Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water filters)

Select Item Title Year Published
Cost and technology document for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
Crazed Resin Filtration of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1968
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds, phase II / 1971
Denitrification by Anaerobic Filters and Ponds. Phase II. 1971
Design and performance of slow sand filters in the Pacific Northwest 1989
Effectiveness of a Contact Filter for the Removal of Iron from Ground Water. 1971
Fact sheet on charcoal - silver water filters / 1983
Follow-Up Alpha-Track Monitoring in 40 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses with Indoor Radon Reduction Systems. (Winter 1988-89). 1989
Ground water issue : low-flow (minimal drawdown) ground-water sampling procedures / 1996
Method 1605 : Aeromonas in finished by membrane filtration, September 2000-draft. 2000
Microbial pathogen survival and extraction from point-of-use filters / 2006
Microbiology and Drinking Water Filtration. 1988
Nitrate Reduction in the Vicinity of Tile Drains. 1973
Phenolic waste reuse by diatomite filtration; experimental closed water system to eliminate waste water discharge from Johns-Manville's fiber glass insulation plant #3 at Defiance, Ohio. 1970
Reduction of Membrane Fouling by Physical, Chemical and Biological Pretreatment. 1994
Small water filters for taste, odour and sediment removal. 2011
Stabilization and testing of mercury containing wastes : borden sludge / 2002
Strainer/filter treatment of combined sewer overflows / 1969
Study of Home Drinking Water Treatment Units Containing Activated Carbon for Organics Reduction: Interim Phase 2 Report to Criteria and Standards Division, Office of Drinking Water. 1980
Technologies and costs for control of disinfection by-products / 1998
Technologies and Costs for Point-of-Entry (POE) and Point-of-Use (POU) Devices for Control of Disinfection By-Products. 1998
Use of Anaerobic Filters for the Renovation of Acidic Wastewaters. 1971

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