Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water distribution Applied)

Select Item Title Year Published
Association of Microorganisms with Surfaces in Distribution Systems. 1991
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Pollution Policy. 1975
Drinking Water from Agriculturally Contaminated Groundwater. 1991
Economies of Scale and Scope in Water Supply. 1988
Evaluation of drainage for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1974
Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling for Salinity Control in Grand Valley. 1974
Future Direction of Urban Water Models. 1976
Institutional solutions to drinking water problems : Maine case studies. 1993
Lead and copper rule guidance manual / 1992
Manual of individual and non-public water supply systems. 1991
Manual of small public water supply systems. 1991
Sanitary Survey Training: Instructor's Guide for Inspectors of Small Water Systems. 1989
Sanitary Survey Training: Instructor's Guide for Sanitarians of Micronesia. 1989
Sanitary Survey Training: Instructor's Technical Manual. 1983
Standardized Costs for Water Supply Distribution Systems. 1990
Water conservation plan guidelines / 1998
Your drinking water : from source to tap : EPA regulations and guidance / 1990

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