Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Volatile organic compounds Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A national survey of methyl tert-butyl ether and other volatile organic compounds in drinking-water sources : results of the randon [i.e. random] survey / 2003
Alternate VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities / 1992
Alternate VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities / 1992
Alternative VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities : project summary / 1993
Assessment of VOC emissions and their control from baker's yeast manufacturing facilities / 1992
Best demonstrated control technology for graphic arts / 1991
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires / 1989
Clearing the air : an updated report on emission trends in selected U.S. cities / 1997
Control of VOC emissions from ink and paint manufacturing processes / 1992
Control of VOC emissions from nonferrous metal rolling processes / 1992
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from coating operations at aerospace manufacturing and rework operations / 1997
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from wood furniture manufacturing operations / 1996
Control techniques for fugitive VOC emissions from chemical process facilities. 1994
Description, properties, and degradation of selected volatile organic compounds detected in ground water : a review of selected literature / 2006
Determination of vulnerability to VOCs / 1988
Evaluation of emission control options at Leed Architectural Products / 1989
Evaluation of emission factors for formaldehyde from certain wood processing operations / 1987
Evaluation of emission sources at a waferboard manufacturing plant / 1987
Evaluation of potential emissions of TDI from two facilities / 1987
Factors associated with sources, transport, and fate of volatile organic compounds in aquifers of the United States and implications for ground-water management and assessments / 2006
Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDF) : background information for promulgated organic air emission standards for tanks, surface impoundments, and containers / 1994
Inspection manual for the hazardous organic NESHAP (HON) / 1994
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for source category : metal furniture surface coating : background information for proposed standards / 2001
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : metal coil surface coating background information for promulgated standards. / 2002
National volatile organic compound emission standards for architectural coatings : background for promulgated standards : (architectural coating background information document). 1998
National volatile organic compound emission standards for consumer products : background for promulgated standards / 1998
Occurrence and status of volatile organic compounds in ground water from rural, untreated, self-supplied domestic wells in the United States, 1986-99 2002
Occurrence and status of volatile organic compounds in ground water from rural, untreated, self-supplied domestic wells in the United States, 1986-99 {electronic resource} / 2002
Occurrence and temporal variability of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and other volatile organic compounds in select sources of drinking water : results of the focused survey / 2003
Occurrence of the gasoline oxygenate MTBE and BTEX compounds in urban stormwater in the United States, 1991-95 1996
Occurrence of volatile organic compounds in drinking water from the United States : results from archived chromatograms and water samples, 1989-2000 / 2003
Polymer industry ranking by VOC emissions reduction that would occur from new source performance standards / 1979
Radiation-curable coatings / 1991
Reduction of volatile organic compound emissions from automobile refinishing / 1988
Review of EPA regulations and guidance related to VOC emissions / 2002
Surface coating in the industrial machinery industry / 1979
Surface-coating-free materials and reduction of VOC emissions from coating operations / 1992
Tracer-test planning using the efficient hydrologic tracer-test design (EHTD) program 2003
Tracer-test planning using the efficient hydrologic tracer-test design (EHTD) program / 1978
Ultrasonic cleaning of rotogravure cylinders / 1989
User's guide to the personal computer version of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (PC-BEIS2) : project summary / 1995
VOC adjustment rule : response to comments / 2001
Volatile organic compound emission inventory for Pulaski county, Arkansas / by John Dadiani ... [et al.]. 1978
Volatile organic compounds in ground water from rural private wells, 1986-99 2004
Volatile organic compounds in the nation's ground water and drinking-water supply wells--a summary / 2006

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