Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Surface groundwater relationships)

Select Item Title Year Published
Application of a water quality assessment modeling system at a superfund site / 1991
Biological indicators of ground water-surface water interaction : an update / 1998
Capture Zone Modeling Using the Wellhead Analytic Element Model (WhAEM). 1994
Delineation of source water protection areas, a discussion for managers. Part 1, A conjunctive approach for ground water and surface water. 1997
Ground water resource assessment. 1993
Groundwater/Surfacewater Interactions in Tampa Bay. Implications for Nutrient Fluxes. 1993
Guidance Document for Groundwater Protection Needs Assessments. 1995
Guidance manual for conducting sanitary surveys of public water systems : surface water and ground water under the direct influence (GWUDI) of surface water. 1999
Hydraulic Analysis on Stream-Aquifer Interaction by Storage Function Models. 2000
Hydrology of Two Interdunal Valleys in the Nebraska Sand Hills. 1998
Importance of surface water/groundwater interactions issue paper 1999
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Processing Stream, I/O Files and Formats, Deliverables. Volume 4. 1991
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Processing Stream, Program Listings. Volume 5. 1991
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Regional Analyses of Results (Summary Tables and Plots). Volume 2. 1991
MAGIC DDRP Final Report: Summary of Results for Individual Catchments. Volume 3. 1991
MAGIC/DDRP Final Report. Models, Calibration, Results, Uncertainty Analyses, QA.QC. Volume 1. 1991
National water quality inventory : 1996 report to Congress : groundwater chapters. 1998
Potential Effects of Large Floods on the Transport of Atrazine into the Alluvial Aquifer Adjacent to the Lower Platte River, Nebraska. 1997
Proceedings of the Ground-Water/Surface-Water Interactions Workshop. 2000
Surface water treatment rule implementation manual (including appendix D). 1990
The quality of our nation's water : 1996 : executive summary of the National water quality inventory: 1996 report to Congress. 1998
WhAEM : program documentation for the wellhead analytic element model / 1994

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