Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sulfates)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Emissions of Sulfur Trioxide from Coal-Fired Power Plants. 2002
ENAMAP-1 long-term SO2 and sulfate pollution model : further application of eastern North America / 1981
ENAMAP-1 long-term SO2 and sulfate pollution model : Adaptation and application to Eastern North America / 1980
ENAMAP-1 long-term SO2 and sulfate pollution model : further application to eastern North America / 1981
ENAMAP-1A long-term SO2 and sulfate air pollution model : refinements of transformation and deposition mechanisms / 1982
ENAMAP-1A long-term SO2 and sulfate air pollution model : refinements of transformation and deposition mechanisms / 1982
Environmental Assessment of Buccaneer Gas and Oil Field in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1978-1979. Volume IV. Bacterial Communities. 1980
Environmental assessment of coal- and oil-firing in a controlled industrial boiler / 1978
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing : part II, the aquatic marcroinvertebrates of the Piceance basin, Colorado, prior to oil shale processing / 1978
Environmental Effects of Pollutants from Coal Combustion: 2. The Colstrip, Montana Power Plant. 1981
Environmental Factors Influencing Methanogenesis in a Shallow Anoxic Aquifer: A Field and Laboratory Study. 1990
Environmental Impact Assessment of Motorcycle Exhaust Emission Regulations. 1975
EPA's Catalyst Research Program: Environmental Impact of Sulfuric Acid Emissions. 1977
Estimating critical loads of sulfate to surface waters in the Northeastern United States : a comparative assessment of three procedures for estimating critical loads of sulfate for lakes / 1993
Estimating critical loads of sulfate to surface waters in the Northeastern United States : a comparative assessment of three procedures for estimating critical loads of sulfate for lakes / 1991
Estimation of seasonal and annual acidic deposition through aggregation of three-day episodic periods / 1990
Evaluation of a Method for Measuring Primary Sulfate Emissions from Combustion Sources. 1977
Evaluation of Anaerobic, Expanded-Bed Contractors for Municipal Wastewater Treatment. 1986
Evaluation of At-Sea Disposal of FGC (Flue Gas Cleaning) Wastes. Volume 2. Biological Testing and Studies with Stabilized Wastes. 1984
Evaluation of at-sea disposal of FGC (flue gas cleaning0 wastes, vol. 1 and vol. 2 [microfiche] / 1984
Evaluation of emissions and control techniques for reducing fluoride emissions from gypsum ponds in the phosphoric acid industry / 1978
Evaluation of Hach Direct Reading Engineer's Laboratory. 1968
Evaluation of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition Models. 1989
Evaluation of method 5B at a coal-fired boiler. 1983
Evaluation of method 5B at an oil-fired boiler. 1984
Evaluation of Procedures for Aggregating Nonlinear Sulfate Adsorption Isotherm Data. 1991
Evaluation of Proposed TG and E (Tucson Gas and Electric Company) Wastewater Discharge on Groundwater in the Tucson Basin. 1977
Evaluation of Shavers Fork Mine Seals. 1971
Evaluation of stationary source particulate measurement methods. Volume II, Oil-fired steam generators / 1977
Evaluation of Stream Chemistry and Watershed Characteristics in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain. 1995
Evaluation of the Chemical and Physical Processes Affecting Sulfate and Nitrate Wet Deposition. 1987
Evaluation of the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for Particle-Associated Ammonium Sulfate Determination. 1992
Evaluation of the National Trends Network's Site Placement Design. 1987
Evaluation of the PEM-2 using the 1982 Philadelphia aerosol field study data base / 1986
Evaluation of the Pollution Episodic Model using the RAPS data / 1984
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of nickel(7740-02-0) / 1988
Evaluation of the regenerative pressurized fluidized-bed combustion process / 1974
Experimental and Engineering Support for the CAFB (Chemically Active Fluid-Bed) Demonstration: Residue Disposal/Utilization. 1984
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Solid Solution Formation in Lime and Limestone SO2 Scrubbers. Volume I. Final Report. 1976
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Solid Solution Formation in Lime and Limestone SO2 Scrubbers. Volume II. Appendices. 1976
Experimental Study of Lake Loading by Aerosol Transport and Dry Deposition in the Southern Lake Michigan Basin. 1979
Experimental/Engineering Support for EPA's FBC Program: Final Report. Volume III. Solid Residue Study. 1980
Exploratory study of factors affecting aerosol formation / 1975
Exploratory Work on the Oxidation of Ammonia by Potassium Ferrate (VI). 1973
Extended Analysis of the CARES Aerosol Chemistry Data to Characterize Sources and Processes of Organic Aerosol in the Sacramento Valley of California. 2014
Extraction and Recovery of Lead Species from Soil. 1992
Factors affecting the collection efficiency of atmospheric sulfate / 1977
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Fate and Effects of Pentachlorophenol in Hard- and Soft-Water Microcosms. 1984
Fatty alkyl sulfates / 1998
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