Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sugar beet processing)

Select Item Title Year Published
Anaerobic - Aerobic Ponds for Beet Sugar Waste Treatment. 1973
Beet sugar : an industrial waste guide to the beet sugar industry. 1950
Beet Sugar Industry--The Water Pollution Problem and Status of Waste Abatement and Treatment. 1967
Beet Sugar Waste Treatment by Broad Field Application-Great Western Sugar Company, Bayard, Nebraska. 1954
Combined Cooling and Bio-Treatment of Beet Sugar Factory Condenser Water Effluent. 1971
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance for new sources : beet sugar processing subcategory of the sugar processing point source category / 1974
Eaton asbestos. 2013
Facultative and Algae Ponds for Treating Beet Sugar Wastes. 1967
Industrial Waste Survey Report on Sugar Beet Factory Wastes, Buckeye Sugar Company, Ottawa, Ohio, November 20, 1949 to November 27, 1949. 1950
North Platte River Biological Survey Report October-November 1963. 1963
Proceedings of National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes (3rd), held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 28-30 March 1972. 1972
Proceedings: National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes (2nd), Denver, Colorado, 23-26 March 1971. 1971
Report on North Platte River Survey Wyoming-Nebraska. 1962
Report to the Second Session of the Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the South Platte River Basin 1966
State-of-art sugarbeet processing waste treatment. / 1971
Treatment of Beet Sugar Wastes. 1954

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