Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Stream measurements United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A national study of the streamflow data-collection program / 1973
Assessing the National Streamflow Information Program 2004
Catalog of information on water data : station listings for pt. A, Streamflow and stage; pt. B, Quality of surface water; pt. C, Quality of ground water, water resources region ... 1973
Comparative flows of selected United States streams visually expressed for water quality surveys, 1960
Comparison of the use of the Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) and the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) in aquatic analyses 1984
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960 ; Part 2-A, South Atlantic slope basins, James River to Savannah River / 1964
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960 ; Part 2-B, south Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins, Ogeechee River to Pearl River / 1963
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960. Part 7, Lower Mississippi River basin / 1964
Computation of continuous records of streamflow / 1983
Computer program documentation for the enhanced stream water quality model QUAL2E / 1985
Concepts for the design of streamflow data programs 1969
Daily water and sediment discharges from selected rivers of the eastern United States : a time-series modeling approach 1983
Data from selected U.S. Geological Survey national stream water-quality monitoring networks (WQN) on CD-ROM / 1996
Discharge ratings at gaging stations 1984
Drainage density and streamflow, 1963
Empirical method of determining momentary discharge of tide-affected streams 1963
Flood hazard evaluation guidelines for federal executive agencies. 1972
Flood peak runoff and associated precipitation in selected drainage basins in the United States. 1965
Floods of December 1955-January 1956 in the far western states. 1963
Generalization of streamflow characteristics from drainage-basin characteristics / 1970
Instream flow methodologies for regional and national assessments / 1978
Integrating multiscale observations of U.S. waters / 2008
Macroinvertebrate sampling techniques for streams in semi-arid regions : comparison of the Surber method and a unit-effort traveling kick method / 1978
Maximum floodflows in the conterminous United States 1977
Methods for evaluating stream, riparian, and biotic conditions 1982
Monthly streamflow and ground-water conditions in the United States and southern Canada, water years, 1945-85 / 1987
National Streamflow Information Program : implementation plan and progress report / 2001
Roughness characteristics of natural channels, 1967
Status of the Gulf of Mexico : preliminary report on inflow from streams / 1992
Stream transport and agricultural runoff of pesticides for exposure assessment : a methodology. Part A, Text and appendices A through F / 1986
Streamflow information for the next century : a plan for the National Streamflow Information Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. 1999
Techniques of water-resources investigations of the United States Geological Survey. 1967
The stream-gaging program of the U.S. Geological Survey / 1995
Water measurement manual 1981
Water--the nation's fundamental climate issue : a white paper on the U.S. Geological Survey role and capabilities / 2010
Water-supply characteristics of streams in the Delaware River basin and in southern New Jersey / 1963

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