Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Social indicators)

Select Item Title Year Published
America's children : key national indicators of well-being / 1997
Atlas of global development / 2011
Atlas of global development : [a visual guide to the world's greatest challenges] 2009
Better understanding our cities : the role of urban indicators. 1997
Damned lies and statistics : untangling numbers from the media, politicians, and activists / 2001
Forum on key national indicators : assessing the nation's position and progress. 2003
Global environment outlook 3 data compendium 2002
Human well-being : concept and measurement / 2007
Indicators of sustainable development : guidelines and methodologies. 2001
Little green data book 2002 : from the World Development Indicators / 2002
Measuring progress : profiles of city and county indicator programs. 1998
Megatrends 2000 : ten new directions for the 1990's / 1990
Megatrends : ten new directions transforming our lives / 1982
Minimum standards for quality of life / 1975
OECD factbook 2007 : economic, environmental, and social statistics. 2007
Quality of life indicators in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1970 : a comprehensive assessment / 1975
Quality of Life Indicators. A Review of State-of-the-Art and Guidelines Derived to Assist in Developing Environmental Indicators. 1972
Social indicators III : selected data on social conditions and trends in the United States 1980
Social indicators of equality for minorities and women 1978
Sustainability indicators : measuring the immeasurable? / 1999
Sustainable Cincinnati : regional indicators measuring the economic, environmental, and social health of the Tri-state metropolitan area, 2005. 2005
The Oxford handbook of well-being and public policy / 2016
The science of well-being / 2009
The Social impacts of having clean water / 1975
The statesman's yearbook 2011 : the politics, cultures and economies of the world / 2010
The statesman's yearbook 2012 : the politics, cultures and economies of the world / 2010
The Statesman's yearbook 2014 : the politics, cultures and economies of the world / 2013
Vital signs 1999 : the environmental trends that are shaping our future / 1999
Vital signs 2000 : the environmental trends that are shaping our future / 2000
Vital signs 2001 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2001
Vital signs 2002 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2002
Vital signs 2003 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2003
Vital signs 2007-2008 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2007
Vital signs 2012 : the trends that are shaping our future / 2012
Vital signs : the trends that are shaping our future / 1992
World development indicators. 1978
World resources 2002-2004 : decisions for the earth : balance, voice and power / 2003

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