Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage sludge Drying)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis and assessment of incinerated municipal sludge ashes and leachates / 1984
Biological methods of sludge dewatering 1971
Butane freezing process for dewatering sludge 1976
Carver-Greenfield process evaluation : a process for sludge drying. 1978
Chemical primary sludge thickening and dewatering / 1979
Composting dewatered sewage sludge / 1969
Design manual : dewatering municipal wastewater sludges. 1987
Dewatering biosolids 1997
Dewatering municipal wastewater sludges 1991
Dewatering of domestic waste sludges by centrifugation / 1967
Dewatering of mine drainage sludge / 1971
Dewatering of mine drainage sludge : Phase II / 1973
Dewatering of mine drainage sludge. 1971
Dewatering pulp and paper mill sludge using the Kamyr ring press / 1991
Dewatering pulp and paper mill sludge using the Kamyr ring press / 1991
Dewatering wastewater treatment sludge by clathrate freezing : a bench-scale feasibility study / 1986
Dewatering wastewater treatment sludge by clathrate freezing : a bench-scale feasibility study / 1987
Draft environmental impact statement on management plan for wastewater sludge by Metropolitan Denver Sewage disposal District no. 1, Denver, Colorado. 1976
Effects of waste paper additions on sludge filtration characteristics 1968
Electroosmotic pumping for dewatering sewage sludge. 1970
Emerging Technology: Vacuum-Assisted Sludge Dewatering Beds, an Alternate Approach 1984
Evaluation and demonstration of the capillary suction sludge dewatering device / 1974
Evaluation of conditioning and dewatering sewage sludge by freezing / 1971
Evaluation of dewatering devices for producing high-solids sludge cake / 1979
Experience with recent-generation screw presses for sludge dewatering in the U.S. pulp and paper industry / {by Reid A. Miner}. 1986
Final EIS : Metro Denver sludge management plan (facilities for the Metropolitan Denver Sewage Disposal District no. 1, Commerce City, Colorado) / 1978
Floc property effects on sludge dewatering characteristics 1982
Full scale operational experience with filter presses for sludge dewatering in the North American pulp and paper industry. 1977
Full-scale evaluation of activated bio-filter wastewater treatment process / 1982
Full-scale evaluation of activated bio-filter wastewater treatment process {microform} / 1982
Full-scale experience with the use of screw presses for sludge dewatering in the paper industry 1991
Improving dewatering of wastewater biosolids using innovative approaches 2005
Innovations in sludge drying beds : a practical technology. 1987
Innovative and/or alternative wastewater treatment technologies for small systems : "a guide for managers & community leaders" / 2000
Laboratory investigation of heat treatment for pulp and paper mill sludge conditioning 1977
Laboratory investigation of the potential for applying V-presses to the dewatering of sludges with diminished fiber content and increased biological solids content. 1979
Natural freeze-thaw sewage sludge conditioning and dewatering / 1979
Operation and maintenance of sludge dewatering systems 1987
Optimal procedures for the processing of waste activated sludge 1973
Pressure filtration of waste water sludge with ash filter aid / 1973
Process design manual for dewatering municipal wastewater sludges / 1982
Review of the operational experience with belt filter presses for sludge dewatering in the North American pulp and paper industry. 1978
Rotary precoat filtration of sludge from acid mine drainage neutralization / 1971
Sludge dewatering and drying on sand beds / 1978
Sludge dewatering by centrifugation / 1968
Sludge dewatering design manual / 1978
Sludge dewatering for FGD products : final report 1979
Sludge drying bed design review / 1986
Sludge processing for combined physical-chemical-biological sludges / 1973
Studies on densification of coal mine drainage sludge / 1971
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