Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Research Statistical methods)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the weight estimation method of botanical analysis / 1971
Applied longitudinal data analysis for epidemiology : a practical guide / 2003
Basic field data collection procedures for the Grassland Biome, 1971 season / 1971
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2000
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2011
Biostatistics cookbook : the most user-friendly guide for the bio/medical scientist / 1996
Biostatistics in pharmacology 1979
Data analysis in community and landscape ecology / 1995
Design and analysis methods for fish survival experiments based on release-recapture 1987
Design and analysis of research studies 1992
Evaluating research articles from start to finish / 1996
Evaluating research articles from start to finish / 2001
Experimental designs 1957
Fisheries techniques / 1983
Intuitive biostatistics 1995
Intuitive biostatistics : a nonmathematical guide to statistical thinking / 2010
Landscape ecology in theory and practice : pattern and process / 2015
Logistic regression : a self-learning text / 2010
Measuring racial discrimination / 2004
Medical statistics a commonsense approach / 1993
Meta-analysis by the confidence profile method : the statistical synthesis of evidence / 1991
Meta-analysis cumulating research findings across studies / 1982
Meta-analysis in environmental epidemiology / 1995
Model-based geostatistics for global public health : methods and applications / 2018
Modern statistical methods in chronic disease epidemiology : proceedings of a conference / 1986
Multivariate statistics for wildlife and ecology research / 2000
Practical statistics for data scientists : 50 essential concepts / 2017
Practical statistics for medical research 1991
Reproducible research with R and R Studio / 2014
Sample size determination in health studies : a practical manual / 1991
Sequential medical trials 1975
Statistical analysis in climate research 2002
Statistical design of engineering experiments 1970
Statistical issues in fuels & lubricants technology. 1981
Statistical methodology in the pharmaceutical sciences 1990
Statistical methods for cancer studies 1984
Statistical methods for health care research / 2000
Statistical methods for survival data analysis 2003
Statistical methods for survival data analysis 1980
Statistical methods in agriculture and experimental biology / 1993
Statistical methods in medical research, 1971
Survey methodology 2004
The GARP programme on numerical experimentation : comparative studies of observing systems for FGGE / 1978
The GARP programme on numerical experimentation : first results from the GARP Basic Data Set Project / 1978

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