Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Purging)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bibliography of Ground-Water Sampling Methods 1987
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 23A, Method 501.1, Trihalomethanes by Purge and Trap (REANNOUNCEMENT of PB84-169994 - see notes field for explanation). 1984
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 29, Method 624--Purgeables. 1984
EPA method study 24, method 601 : purgeable halocarbons by the purge trap method / 1984
EPA method study 25, method 602 : Purgeable aromatics / 1984
Evaluation of Hazardous Waste Minimization Techniques for Fuel Tanker Purging at Fort Story, Virginia. 1989
Ground water issue : low-flow (minimal drawdown) ground-water sampling procedures / 1996
Ground water sampling : a workshop summary / 1995
Groundwater Sampling for Metals (Chapter 14). 1994
Heated Purge and Trap Method Development and Testing. 1988
Measurement of purgeable organic compounds in drinking water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry : [test] method 524 / 1983
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 6. Vented and combustion source summary / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 7. Blow and purge activities / 1996
Modified Purge-and-Trap/Gas Chromatography Method for Analysis of Volatile Halocarbons in Microbiological Degradation Studies (Journal Version). 1988
Monitoring Well Installation, Purging, and Sampling Techniques. Part 2. Case Histories. 1987
New Approach to Purging Monitoring Wells: Lower Flow Rates Reduce Required Purging Volumes and Sample Turbidity. 1994
Optimization of Purging Efficiency and Quantification of Organic Contaminants from Water Using a 1-L Closed-Loop-Stripping Apparatus and Computerized Capillary Column GC/MS. 1983
Potential sources of error in ground-water sampling at hazardous waste sites / 1992
Report on analytical methodology for purgeable and semivolatile components in leachates and solid wastes {MICROFICHE} 1984
Sampling and analysis procedures for screening of industrial effluents for priority pollutants. 1977
Standard Operating Procedure for Well Purging (SOP #4.1) 1994
Volatile organic compounds in whole blood - determination by heated dynamic headspace purge and trap isotope dilution GC/MS / 1987
Well Construction and Purging Effects on Ground-Water Samples. 1986

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