Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Absorption from Aqueous Solution. 1974
Absorption of SO2 into Lime Slurries: Absorption Rates and Kinetics. 1973
Adsorption of odorous pollutants by active manganese dioxide / 1974
Alternative control technology document : carbon reactivation processes / 1992
Aluminum Speciation: A Comparison of Five Methods. 1987
Ammonia removal from wastewater by ligand exchange / 1976
Analysis of volatile products from the slow pyrolysis of coal / 1984
Automated analysis of individual refractory organics in polluted water / 1974
Behaviour of No. 2 Fuel Oil in the Water Column of Controlled Ecosystems. 1982
Carbon Column Operation in Waste Water Treatment. 1970
Catalytic oxidation of fuels for NOx control from area sources / 1976
Chemically Active Fluid Bed (CAFB) Process Solids - Transport Studies. 1977
Chromate Reduction and Remediation Utilizing the Thermodynamic Instability of Zero-Valence State Iron. 1994
Coal Gasification/Gas Cleanup Test Facility. Volume 5. Preliminary Environmental Assessment of the Gasification and Gas Cleaning of North Carolina Peat. 1983
Column Experiments and Anomalous Conductivity Hydrocarbon-Impacted Sands. 2000
Combined Cooling and Bio-Treatment of Beet Sugar Factory Condenser Water Effluent. 1971
Comparison of Expanded-Bed and Packed-Bed Adsorption Systems. 1968
Comparison of ozone contactors for municipal wastewater effluent disinfection : packed column versus jet scrubber / 1979
Correlations for the determination of surface diffusivities of organic chemicals adsorbed onto granular activated carbon / 1986
Design Considerations for GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) Treatment of Organic Chemicals. 1987
Design of Rapid Small-Scale Adsorption Tests for a Constant Diffusivity. 1986
Design scale-up suitability for air-stripping columns / 1986
Design scale-up suitability for air-stripping columns : [journal version] / 1986
Distillation operations in synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry : background information for promulgated standards. 1990
Economic Evaluation of Metal Oxide Processes for SO2 Removal from Power Plant Flue Gases. Phase 3. Cost Sensitivity Study of Major Process Parameters 1970
Electrochemical removal of heavy metals from acid mine drainage / 1974
Entrapment separators for scrubbers : initial report / 1974
Environmental Public Health Outcomes Workshop Proceedings Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, July 30-31, 2002. 2002
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Design Information Report: Design, Operational, and Cost Considerations for Vacuum Assisted Sludge Dewatering Bed Systems. 1987
Evaluating Multicomponent Competitive Adsorption in Fixed Beds. 1987
Evaluation of operating parameters of alumina columns for the selective removal of phosphorus from wastewaters and the ultimate disposal of phosphorus as calcium phosphate / 1969
Foam flotation treatment of heavy metals and fluoride-bearing industrial wastewaters / 1977
Fuel gas environmental impact : phase report / 1975
GAC adsorption of a mixture of natural organic matter and VOCs in the presence and absence of molecular oxygen / 1991
Gas Chromatographic Elution Patterns of Chlorinated Dioxins versus Column Polarity. 1992
Hot gas cleanup of sulphur, nitrogen, minor and trace elements / 1998
Influence of Bed-Region Stoichiometry on Nitric Oxide Formation in Fixed-Bed Coal Combustion. 1985
Influence of Fuel Composition on Nitric Oxide Formation in Mass-burning Stokers. 1986
Laboratory and Field Results Linking High Bulk Conductivities to the Microbial Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. 2004
Large Laboratory Column Study of the Transport and Degradation of Atrazine, Carbofuran, and Diuron in Soils. 1989
Lime/limestone scrubbing for SO2 and particulate removal in a marble bed scrubber / 1975
Limestone bed contactors for control of corrosion at small water utilities / 1986
Mathematical simulation of an adsorber for pollutant removal / 1974
Measuring the Solubility of Disperse Dyes. 1989
Methods for the determination of organic compounds in drinking water : supplement I. 1990
Mobile Pilot Plant for Removal of Phosphate from Wastewaters by Adsorption on Alumina. 1970
Modeling TOC (Total Organic Carbon) Removal by GAC (Granular Activated Carbon): The General Logistic Function. 1987
Organic and Color Removal from Water Supplies by Synthetic Resinous Adsorbents. 1974
Organic Gradient in a Concentration Column. 1970
Phosphorus Removal from Effluents in Alumina Columns. 1970
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