Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Printing inks)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Guideline for graphic arts calculations. 1988
Air emissions species manual microform / 1988
Air Pollutant Emission Factors. 1970
Alternative control techniques document : offset lithographic printing, supplemental information based on public comment on draft control techniques guideline announced in Federa Register on November 8, 1993 / 1994
Assessment of pollution prevention opportunities for five industries : final report / 1995
Benzidine, biphenylamines, and benzidine-based dyes : working draft / 1978
Best demonstrated control technology for graphic arts / 1991
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing : draft / 1992
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing : draft / 1993
Control techniques guidelines for flexible package printing. 2006
Control techniques guidelines for offset lithographic printing and letterpress printing. 2006
Environmental considerations of selected energy conserving manufacturing process options. 1976
Evaluation of Barriers to the Use of Radiation Cured Coatings in Wide-Web Flexographic Printing. 1997
Evaluation of Innovative Ink Feed Systems for the Flexographic and Gravure Printing Industries. 1994
Evaluations of Emissions and Control Technologies in the Graphic Arts Industries. 1970
Fugitive Emission Reductions Due to the Use of Enclosed Doctor Blade Systems in the Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing Industries. 1998
Ink and cleaner waste reduction evaluation for flexographic printers / 1993
Innovative clean technologies case studies : second year project report / 1994
Laboratory evaluation of nonstick coatings to reduce ink adhesion to printing press components / 2000
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for the printing and publishing industry : background information for promulgated standards / 1996
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for the printing and publishing industry : background information for promulgated standards / 1995
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : printing and publishing industry background information for proposed standards / 1995
On-site waste ink recycling : technology evaluation report / 1993
Performance Demonstrations of Alternative Screen Reclamation Products for Screen Printing. 1995
Re-Use of Printing Ink for Newspaper Production. Compendium on Low- and Non-Waste Technology. 1984
Recommended Methods of Reduction, Neutralization, Recovery, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Volume XIV. Summary of Waste Origins, Forms, and Quantities. 1973
Reducing indoor air emissons from dry process photocopy machines / 1997
Reducing Ink and Cleaner Waste: A Flexographic Printer Moves to Water-Based Inks and Cleaners. 1994
Systems and costs to control hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources 1974
Systems and costs to control hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources / 1974
Using a neural network to estimate solvent consumption 1993
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of printed labels / 1991
Waste minimization assessment for multilayered printed circuit board manufacturing / 1991
Waste Reduction Technology Evaluations of the U.S. EPA WRITE Program. 1991

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