Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Power measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization and research investigation of methanol and methyl fuels : final report / 1977
Characterization and research investigation of methanol and methyl fuels in automobile engines : first year report / 1976
Comparison of Sound Power Determinations Conducted in Four Different Acoustic Environments. 1978
Design and Construction of a Laser Meter for the Measurement of CW Irradiance at 632.8 Nanometers. 1970
Development of standard procedures for evaluating oxygen transfer devices / 1983
Dynamometer simulation of truck and bus road horsepower for transient emissions evaluations / 1985
Independent coastdown road load power determination for ten diverse production vehicles / 1980
Investigation of the requested alternate dynamometer power absorption for the Ford Fiesta / 1978
Investigation of the requested alternate dynamometer power absorption for the Ford LTD / 1978
Investigation of the requested alternate dynamometer power absorption for the Ford Mercury Marquis / 1978
Radiation characteristics of traffic radar systems / 1976
Substitution of Percent Load for Manifold Vacuum and Analysis of Time in Mode in the Gasoline Test Procedure. 1975

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