Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plotting)

Select Item Title Year Published
A PC based system for generating ekma input files / 1988
Computation and Graphical Display of the NSF Water Quality Index from the STORET Data Base Using the Integrated Plotting Package. Program Documentation and Users Guide. 1976
CONTUR: A FORTRAN Algorithm for Two-Dimensional High-Quality Contouring. 1987
GEO-EAS (Geostatistical environmental assessment software) : user's guide / 1988
Guideline for using the carbon-bond mechanism in city-specific EKMA 1984
Guideline for using the carbon-bond mechanism in city-specific EKMA / 1984
OZIPM-4 (Ozone Isopleth Plotting with Optional Mechanisms, Version 4) Source Code. 1988
Parallel Coordinate Plots for Representing Distributional Summaries in Map Legends. 1995
Procedures for applying city specific EKMA / 1989
User's Guide for Executing OZIPM-4 (Ozone Isopleth Plotting with Optional Mechanisms, Version 4) with CBM-IV (Carbon-Bond Mechanism-IV) or Optional Mechanisms. Volume 2. Computer Code. 1988
User's Guide for Executing OZIPM-4 (Ozone Isopleth Plotting with Optional Mechanisms, Version 4) with CBM-IV (Carbon-Bond Mechanisms-IV) or Optional Mechanisms. Volume 1. Description of the Ozone Isopleth Plotting Package. Version 4. 1988
User's manual for mixing height computer program 1981
User's manual for OZIPM-4 : ozone isopleth plotting with optional mechanisms / 1989
Wind Rose Plotting Program (WRPLOT) (on Diskette). 1998

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