Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plant pathology)

Select Item Title Year Published
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume IX. Gas Resistance of Plants with Special Reference to Plant Biochemistry and to the Effects of Mineral Nutrition. 1971
Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation. 1973
Disruption of Sulfur Metabolism in Plants Affected by Air Pollution (Narushenie Sernogo Obmena v Rasteniyakh pod Vliyanem Zagryazneniya Atmosfernogo Vozdukha). 1974
Economic Impact of Air Pollutants on Plants in the United States. 1971
Effect of air pollution on Pinus strobus L. and genetic resistance : a literature review / 1977
Effect of ozone stress on development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza and growth response of tomato and citrus / 1981
Effects of composted municipal sludge on soilborne plant pathogens / 1988
Effects of Photochemical Oxidant Injury of Ponderosa and Jeffrey Pine on Susceptibility of Sapwood and Freshly Cut Stumps to Fomes annosus. 1980
Effects of Photochemical Reaction Substances on Plants (Kokagaku Hanno Busshitsu no Shokubutsu ni Oyobosu Eikyo). 1974
Environmental effects of fluoride : Glacier National Park and vicinity / 1974
Forest Health Monitoring, New England, 1990. Annual Report. 1991
Gas Resistance and Certain Characteristics of Absorption of S3502 by Lawn Grasses (Gazoustoichivost i Nekotorye Osobennosti Pogloshcheniya S3502 Gazonnymi Travami). 1971
Location, Identification, and Characterization of Pathogens of the Water Hyacinth. 1973
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Mesa, Arizona irrigation site / 1980
New Cumberland, West Virginia - Knox Township, Ohio : air pollution abatement activity : technical report. 1969
Pest Control: An Assessment of Present and Alternative Technologies. Volume IV. Forest Pest Control. 1976
Protection of Sugarcane and Sugar Beets, January 1979-February 1988: Citations from AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) Concerning Diseases and Other Environmental Considerations. 1988
Study of Phytotoxicity of Some Components of Industrial Air Pollution (Vevtchenia Phitotoxichnosty Deiakeh Komponentiw Promislovoho Zabrudnenia Povitria). 1970
Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to California Vegetation in 1970. 1971

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