Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Photochemistry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental photochemistry / 1999
Environmental Protection Agency's Third Generation Air Quality Modeling System: An Overall Perspective. 1998
Evaluation and optimization of photolysis screening protocols : final report covering the period October 1979 through September 1980 / 1981
Evaluation of an Annual Simulation of Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter Over the Continental United States: Which Temporal Features are Captured. 2004
Evaluation of the empirical kinetic modeling approach using the St. Louis RAPS data base 1982
Examination of one-hour NO2 predictions from photochemical air quality models / 1984
Example control strategy for ozone / 1979
Existing Needs in the Experimental and Observational Study of Atmospheric Chemical Reactions. 1973
Experimental protocol for determining photolysis reaction rate constants / 1984
Experimental protocol for determining protolysis reaction rate constants / 1983
Extrapolating Photolysis Rates from the Laboratory to the Environment. 1983
Formation and transport of oxidants along Gulf Coast and in northern U.S. / 1976
Future directions for HxOy detection : proceedings of a workshop held in Menlo Park, California, August 12-15, 1985 / 1986
Gas-to-particle conversion : sulfur dioxide in a photochemically reactive system / 1975
Guidance on Urban Airshed Model (UAM) reporting requirements for attainment demonstration. 1994
Guidance on use of modeled results to demonstrate attainment of the ozone NAAQS. 1996
Guideline for Developing an Ozone Forecasting Program. 1999
Handbook of photochemistry. 2006
Haze formation : its nature and origin 1973
Haze formation, it's nature and origin : final report to Coordinating Research Council, inc. and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1975
High Time-Resolved Comparisons for In-Depth Probing of CMAQ Fine-Particles and Gas Predictions. 2004
Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978. Volume I. Data Evaluation and Analysis. 1983
Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978. Volume II. Data-Base Guide. 1983
Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978. Volume III. Characterization of Data Quality. 1983
Hydrocarbon and oxidant chemistry observed at a site near St. Louis / 1977
Hydrocarbon reactivity and eye irritation, 1968
Hydrogen Peroxide Formation from the Photooxidation of Formaldehyde and Its Presence in Rainwater. 1979
In Situ radionuclide migration studies in a shallow sand aquifer : part 1 / 1985
In Situ radionuclide migration studies in a shallow sand aquifer : part 2 - appendices / 1985
Inactivation of 'Escherichia coli' by Titanium Dioxide Photocatalytic Oxidation. 1993
Inorganic and organometallic photochemistry : a symposium / 1978
International Conference on Oxidant Problems: Analysis of the Evidence/Viewpoints Presented. Part I. Definition of Key Issues. 1977
Interpretive Analysis of Observed and Modeled Mesoscale Ozone Photochemistry in Areas with Numerous Point Sources. 1993
Investigation of Photochemical Reactivities of Organic Solvents. 1970
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : chlorinated paraffins. 1975
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : formaldehyde : final report / 1976
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : nitroaromatics / 1976
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants. 1975
Iron-Induced Changes in Light Harvesting and Photochemical Energy Conversion Processes in Eukaryotic Marine Algae. 1992
Isotopic (14C) and Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compound Fractions-Precursors to Ozone Formation. 1999
Laboratory investigation of the photooxidation and catalytic oxidation of SO2 / 1979
Laser induced photochemical oxidative destruction / 1992
Laser induced photochemical oxidative destruction of toxic organics in leachates and groundwaters. 1993
Linear and angular furomarins : psoralens, angelicins, and related compounds : carcinogenicity and structure activity relationships : other biological properties : metabolism : environmental significance / 1986
Mathematical modeling of photochemical air pollution / 1974
Mathematical modeling of simulated photochemical smog / 1975
Mathematical simulation of atmospheric photochemical reactions : model development, validation and application / 1973
Measurment of Loblolly Pine Terpene Emissions 1982
Mechanism of photochemically initiated oxidations / 1976
Mechanisms for Removal of Carbon Monoxide from the Atmosphere. 1970
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