Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nitrogen organic compounds)

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Select Item Title Year Published
4-aminopyridine : pesticide registraton standard / 1980
5, 6-dihydro-2-methyl-1, 4-oxathiin-3-carboxanilide (carboxin) pesticide registration standard. 1981
A study of flame retardants for textiles : final report / 1976
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 2 / 1978
Ability of Standard Toxicity Tests to Predict the Effects of the Insecticide Diflubenzuron on Laboratory Stream Communities. 1982
Abrasion Resistance and Strength of Cotton-Containing Fabric Made Resilient with N-Methylolacrylamide-Type Reagent. 1981
Adsorption of Surfactants (Chapter 7). 1991
Adsorption, Degradation, and Plant Availability of 2,4-Dinitrophenol in Sludge-Amended Calcareous Soils. 1990
Adsorption, movement, and biological degradation of large concentrations of selected pesticides in soils / 1980
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : Part II. Nitrogen available in Lake Ontario tributary water samples and urban runoff from Madison, Wisconsin / 1977
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for benzidene (draft report final). 1989
Ambient water quality criteria for 2,4-dinitrotoluene / 1980
Ambient water quality criteria for benzidine / 1980
Ambient water quality criteria for dinitrotoluene / 1980
Ambient water quality criteria for diphenylhydrazine / 1980
Amitraz (BAAM): Position Document 1. 1977
Amitraz (BAAM): Position Document 3. 1979
Amitraz (BAAM): Position Document 4. 1979
An investigation of ion removal from water and wastewater / 1973
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Nitrogen-Substituted and Sulfonated Benzene Aquifer Contaminants. 1989
Application of open-tubular columns to SW-846 GC methods 1990
Aqueous Relaxation Reagents in Nitrogen-15 NMR. 1979
Assessment of coal conversion wastewaters : characterization and preliminary biotreatability / 1978
Benomyl/Thiophanate-Methyl Position Document 4. 1982
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) volume B: U & P wastewaters with methods of treatment as treatment standards : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) volume C: nonwastewater forms of organic U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) for which there are concentration-based treatment standards : final. 1990
Binding of 1-Nitro(14C) Pyrene to DNA and Protein in Cultured Lung Macrophages and Respiratory Tissues. 1983
Biochemical changes in humans upon exposure to sulfuric acid aerosol and exercise / 1979
Biosynthesis of Dimethylnitrosamine in Dimethylamine-Treated Mice After Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide. 1981
Cardiopulmonary Effects in Awake Rats Four and Six Months after Exposure to Methyl Isocyanate. 1987
Chemical analyses for water pollutants : training manual / 1976
Chemical Characterization of Extractable Organic Matter from Ambient Aerosols Collected in Boise, Idaho. 1991
Chemical Removal of Nitrogen and Organic Sulfur from Coal. 1971
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : Task IV - potential worker and consumer exposures to nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) in detergents : final report / 1979
Chemiluminescence of Phagocytic Cells Caused by N-Formylmethionyl Peptides. 1978
Chemistry of fuel nitrogen conversion to nitrogen oxides in combustion / 1976
Comparative Toxicological Assessment of Dithiocarbamates (Sravnitelnaya Toksikologicheskaya Otsenka Ditiokarbamatov). 1972
Comparison of p-Nitrophenol Biodegradation in Field and Laboratory Test Systems. 1984
Data Deficiencies, Problem Areas, and Recommendations for Additional Database Development for Tetranitromethane (TNM). 1992
Design and evaluation of a terrestrial model ecosystem for evaluation of substitute pesticide chemicals / 1979
Detection of Chemically Induced Aneuploidy by the 'Vicia faba' Root Tip Assay (Journal Version). 1988
Determination of dinitroaniline pesticides in industrial and municipal wastewater : {test} method 627 {Microfiche} / 1982
Determination of organonitrogen pesticides in municipal and industrial wastewater : {test} method 633. 1982
Development of an analysis method for total nonmethane volatile organic carbon carbon emissions from stationary sources / 1993
Development of an Analysis Method for Total Nonmethane Volatile Organic Carbon Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1992
Development of Analytical Test Procedures for Organic Pollutants in Wastewater - Application to Pesticides. 1981
Development of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Residue Analysis of Diflubenzuron and BAY SIR 8514. 1982
Development of information on pesticides manufacturing for source assessment / 1978
Developmental Toxicity of Dinocap in the Mouse is not Due to Two Isomers of the Major Active Ingredients (Journal Version). 1987
Dietary subacute toxicity of ethylene thiourea in the laboratory rat / 1977
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