Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Economic Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction. Vol. I: A Stated Preference Approach. 2004
Ecosystem Effects of Oyster Restoration in Virgina Habitat and Lease Areas. A Report to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2006
Ecosystem Responses to Alternative Pesticides in the Terrestrial Environment: A System Approach. 1983
Effect of a Number 2 Fuel Oil and a South Louisiana Crude Oil on the Behavior of the Soft Shell Clam, Mya arenaria L. 1976
Effect of Diet on Copper Toxicity to 'Neanthes arenaceodentata' (Annelida: Polychaeta). 1986
Effect of exposure to PAN and ozone on susceptibility to chronic bacterial infection / 1979
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on fish and invertebrates. Part I, Acute and chronic toxicity studies / 1976
Effect of incubation temperature on mortality of embryos of the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède) / 1969
Effect of Mirex on Predator-Prey Interaction in an Experimental Estuarine Ecosystem. 1976
Effect of P-Cresol on Leaf Decomposition and Invertebrate Colonization in Experimental Outdoor Streams. 1983
Effect of Pentachlorophenol on the Growth and Mortality of Embryonic and Juvenile Steelhead Trout. 1984
Effect of Pesticides on Human Health. 1963
Effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Rat Reproduction. 1973
Effect of Several Stress Factors on the Susceptibility of the Predatory Insect, 'Chrysoperia carnea' (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), to the Fungal Pathogen 'Beauveria bassiana'. 1988
Effect of Water Quality on First-Year Mortality of Largemouth Bass. 1972
Effects of 'Beauveria bassiana' on Embryos of the Inland Silverside Fish ('Menidia beryllina'). 1992
Effects of Air Pollution on Forests: A Critical Review. 1985
Effects of Air-Supersaturated Water on Adult Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). 1976
Effects of Air-Supersaturated Water on Survival of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Smolts. 1976
Effects of Atrazine on 'Zostera marina' in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. 1982
Effects of Cadmium and Mercury on the Behavioral Responses and Development of 'Eurypanopeus depressus' Larvae. 1982
Effects of Chemical Variations in Aquatic Environments. Volume II. Toxic Effects of Aqueous Aluminum to Rainbow Trout 1973
Effects of Chemical Variations in Aquatic Environments. Volume III. Lead Toxicity to Rainbow Trout and Testing Application Factor Concept 1973
Effects of Chronic Radiation on Reproductive Success of the Polychaete Worm Neanthes Arenaceodentata. 1988
Effects of Constant Temperatures and Diel Temperature Fluctuations on Specific Growth and Mortality Rates and Yield of Juvenile Rainbow Trout, 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1977
Effects of Contaminated Sediments on Representative Estuarine Species and Developing Benthic Communities. Chapter 21. 1980
Effects of Continuous Chlorination on Entrained Estuarine Plankton. 1980
Effects of Continuous Zinc Exposure on Sockeye Salmon During Adult-to-Smolt Freshwater Residency. 1978
Effects of Copper and Cadmium on Growth, Swimming and Predator Avoidance in 'Eurytemora affinis' (Copepoda). 1983
Effects of copper and zinc on smoltification of coho salmon / 1977
Effects of crude oil and some of its components on young coho and sockeye salmon / 1974
Effects of Dietary Exposure to Forest Pesticides on the Brown Garden Snail 'Helix aspersa' Mueller. 1994
Effects of Dietary Exposure to Methyl Parathion on Egg Laying and Incubation in Mallards. 1991
Effects of Fenvalerate on Larval Development of 'Palaemonetes pugio' (Holthuis) and on Larval Metabolism during Osmotic Stress. 1984
Effects of Fenvalerate on the Early Life Stages of Topsmelt ('Atherinops affinis'). 1992
Effects of forest fertilization with urea on major biological components of small cascade streams, Oregon / 1979
Effects of Ground ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota. 1. Study Design and Implementation. 1985
Effects of Ground ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota. 3. Response of Caged Pink Shrimp and Grass Shrimp. 1985
Effects of Ground ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota. 4. Lethal and Sublethal Responses of an Estuarine Mysid. 1985
Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Steelhead Survival in Air-Supersaturated Water. 1980
Effects of Inorganic Complexing on the Toxicity of Copper to 'Daphnia magna'. 1976
Effects of long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution on respiratory and cardiovascular mortality in the Netherlands : the NLCS-AIR study / 2009
Effects of Low Dissolved Oxygen on Survival, Growth and Reproduction of 'Daphnia, Hyalella and Gammarus'. 1993
Effects of Mirex and Methoxychlor on Striped Mullet, 'Mugil cephalus L'. 1974
Effects of Murine Cytomegalovirus on Development: Lack of Interactions of Virus and Sodium Salicylate. 1990
Effects of Natural Sediment Features on Survival of the 'Phoxocephalid amphipod', 'Rhepoxynius abronius'. 1988
Effects of Northern Bobwhite ('Colinus virginianus') Age and Weight on Results of the Avian Dietary Toxicity Test. 1990
Effects of ocean disposal activities on mid-continental shelf environment of Delaware and Maryland / 1974
Effects of Pentachlorophenol on Invertebrates and Fish in Outdoor Experimental Channels. 1985
Effects of Phosgene Exposure on Bacterial, Viral, and Neoplastic Lung Disease Susceptibility in Mice. 1989
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