Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Metal containing organic compounds)

Select Item Title Year Published
Applicability of petroleum refinery control technologies to coal conversion / 1978
Assessing the environmental impact of fossil-fuel based energy sources : measurement of organometal species in biological and water samples using liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection / 1979
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Development of information on pesticides manufacturing for source assessment / 1978
Effects of Organotins on Growth and Survival of Two Marine Diatoms, 'Skeletonema costatum' and 'Thalassiosira pseudonana'. 1985
Electrochemical Detection in Liquid Chromatography: Application to Organometallic Speciation. 1977
Factors influencing metal accumulation by algae {MICROFICHE} 1982
Further Characterization of Sorbents for Environmental Sampling--II. 1982
Identification and description of chemical deactivation/detoxification methods for the safe disposal of selected pesticides / 1978
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 8, pesticides industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 8, pesticides industry / 1977
Investigation of the Composition of the Ash of Hydrocarbon Fuels (Issledovanie Sostava zoly Uglevodorodnykh Topliv). 1976
Microwave plasma detoxification process for hazardous wastes / 1978
Summation of conditions and investigations for the complete combustion of organic pesticides / 1975
Superfund record of decision : Whitmoyer Laboratories, PA. 1989
Waste reduction activities and options for a manufacturer of systems to produce semiconductors / 1992

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