Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Markets)

Select Item Title Year Published
Application of Field-Based Characterization Tools in the Waterfront Voluntary Setting. 1999
Assessing the Environmental Consumer Market. 1991
Bibliography for innovative site clean-up technologies : September 1996 update. 1996
Care for your world : buy recycled. 1992
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends : 2004 edition. 2004
Eat here : reclaiming homegrown pleasures in a global supermarket / 2004
Economic impact analysis for the final secondary aluminum production national emission standard for hazardous air pollutants. 1999
Economic impact analysis for the proposed national emission standard for hazardous air pollutants from the production of wet-formed fiberglass mat. 1999
Economic impact analysis of the clay ceramics manufacturing NESHAP : final rule. 2003
Economic impact analysis of the proposed taconite iron ore NESHAP 2002
Economic impact analysis of the refractory product manufacturing NESHAP - final rule : final report. 2003
Economic impact analysis of the refractory product manufacturing NESHAP. 2001
Economic Impacts of RCRA Regulations on the Plating and Polishing Industry. 1984
Ecosystem Services and Environmental Markets in Chesapeake Bay Restoration. 2015
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Chromium. 1985
Financing models for environmental protection : helping communities meet their environmental goals. 1992
Glass Markets Information System: Application Records. 1992
Guidance economic analysis for the concrete products industries : report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Analysis and Evaluation, Office of Planning and Standards. 1977
Guide to Purchasing Green Power. Renewable Electricity, Renewable Energy Certificates and On-Site Renewable Generation. 2004
Guidelines for reproductive toxicity risk assessment : draft. 1994
Home grown : the case for local food in a global market / 2002
Information packet #11 : recycling is business / 1995
Markets for recycled aluminum / 1993
Minnesota Recycling Directory, 1991. Statewide Markets and Collection Locations. 1991
Minnesota Recycling Directory. Statewide Markets, Greater Minnesota Collection Locations. 1988
Moody's OTC industrial manual. 1970
Organic materials management strategies / 1999
Organic materials management strategies. 1999
Pesticides industry sales and usage : 1990 and 1991 market estimates / 1992
Policy Innovation Impacts on Scrubber Electricity Usage. 2006
Proceedings: Symposium on Flue Gas Desulfurization Held at Hollywood, Florida, November 1977. Volume II. 1978
Recycling means business : EPA's market development strategy. 1994
Recycling means business. 1995
Regulatory impact analysis for the proposed petroleum refinery NSPS 2007
Regulatory impact assessment of proposed effluent guidelines and NESHAP for the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry : final report. 1993
Restoration of aquatic ecosystems : science, technology, and public policy / 1992
Searching for the profit in pollution prevention : case studies in the corporate evaluation of environmental opportunities / 1998
State Clean Water Strategies: Meeting the Challenges of the Future. 1987
Study of feasibility of herbicide orange chlorinolysis / 1974
Taconite iron ore NESHAP : economic impact analysis / 2003
Technology Needs and Emerging Technologies (Joint Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Activities). 1992
The commanding heights : the battle between government and the marketplace that is remaking the modern world / 1998
The future of food / 2004
Trends in wastepaper exports and their effects on domestic markets / 1974
U.S. Government Accomplishments in Support of the Methane to Markets Partnership. 2006
U.S. Government's Methane to Markets Partnership Accomplishments. Fourth Annual Report. 2009
U.S. Government's Methane to Markets Partnership Accomplishments. Third Annual Report. 2008

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