Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Local government)

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Select Item Title Year Published
EPA's Control Technology Center: Technical Support to Federal, State, and Local Agencies. 1992
EPA's Information Management System for Tracking Reasonable Further Progress. 1993
EPA's research and development program for waste minimization {microfiche}/ by James S. Bridges. 1990
Estimating emission reductions from travel efficiency strategies : three sketch modeling case studies / 2014
Estimating emission reductions from travel efficiency strategies : three sketch modeling case studies / 2014
Estimating the Costs of Institutional Controls. 2005
Estuary program primer : National Estuary Program. 1987
Evaluation of alternative methods for financing municipal waste treatment works / 1975
Evaluation of five regulatory decision-making processes affecting Puget Sound's water quality 1983
Evaluation of short-term air action levels for Superfund sites. 1993
Evaluation of the Impact of Discriminatory Taxation on the Use of Primary and Secondary Raw Materials. 1975
Evaluation of the microbiology standards for drinking water / 1979
Experience and Potential for Regional Water Quality Management. 1976
Factors Influencing the Residential Utilization of Reservoir Shorelands in the Southeast. 1970
Federal Guidelines: Pretreatment of Pollutants Introduced Into Publicly Owned Treatment Works. 1973
Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs. Volume I. 1977
Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs. Volume II. Appendixes 1-7. 1977
Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs. Volume III. Appendix 8. 1977
Federal Noise Program Report Series. Volume II. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Noise Abatement and Control Policy. 1977
Federal Region IV regional oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan. 1993
Federal Register Volume 56 No. 55 Thursday, March 21, 1991 Rules and Regulations. Part 4. 40 CFR Part 122. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations for Storm Water Discharges; Application Deadlines; Final Rule and Proposed Rule. 1991
Federal Register Volume 57 No. 175 Wednesday, September 9, 1992 Proposed Rules. Part 4. 40 CFR Part 122. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Request for Comment on Alternative Approaches for Phase 2 Storm Water Program. 1992
Federal Register Volume 57 No. 244 Friday, December 18, 1992, Rules and Regulations. Part 6. 40 CFR Part 122. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; Storm Water Discharges; Permit Issuance and Permit Compliance Deadlines for Phase 1 Discharges. Final Rule. 1992
Federal Register, Volume 64, Number 140, Thursday, July 22, 1999, Proposed Rules. Part 2. Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR, Part 403: Streamlining the General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution; Proposed Rule. 1999
Field Operations and Enforcement Manual for Air Pollution Control. Volume I: Organization and Basic Procedures. 1972
Field Operations and Enforcement Manual for Air Pollution Control. Volume II: Control Technology and General Source Inspection. 1972
Final report : the US EPA environmental management system pilot program for local government entities. 2000
Final report of the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee : consensus principles and recommendations for improving federal facilities cleanup. 1996
Final Report on the Federal/State/Local Nonpoint Source Task Force and Recommended National Nonpoint Source Policy. 1985
Final Report on the Federal/State/Local Nonpoint Source Task Force and Recommended National Nonpoint Source Policy. Appendix B. Agency Strategies. 1985
Financial building blocks: for self-sustaining municipal wastewater facilities / 1980
Financial Capability Summary Foldout: A Simplified Approach. 1984
Financial Critical Factors Analysis. 1976
Financial Methods for Solid Waste Facilities. 1974
Financing solid waste management in small communities / 1971
Flathead River Basin Fiscal Impact Study: an Assessment of Future Fiscal Conditions in Nine Taxing Jurisdictions 1982
Flood Damage Abatement-Federal Assistance to Local Government. 1970
Floodplain development pressures and federal programs. Part 1: Case study analysis and recommendations for the 201 wastewaster treatment works program / 1979
Floodplain Development Pressures and Federal Programs. Part II: Methods Used by Federal Programs to Reduce Floodplain Development Pressures. 1978
Floodplain Development Pressures and Federal Programs. Part III: Case Study Reports. 1978
Formulation of Techniques to Predict the Impact of Major Water Resource Construction Projects on Local Government Finances. 1972
Forsyth County's Solid Waste Management System; A Case Study. 1973
Fourth National Citizens' Volunteer Monitoring Conference : proceedings : putting volunteer information to use : April 10-14, 1994, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon / 1994
Fresno's Municipal Solid Waste Management System. A Case Study. 1973
Funding nonpoint source activities with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. 2003
Funding Our Environmental Future: General Proceedings, Region 1 Conference on Public-Private Partnerships and Alternative Financing Mechanisms. Held in Northampton, Massachusetts on November 6-7, 1989. 1989
General Counsel Opinions from the Office of General Counsel (EPA). January 31, 1980, through June 7, 1985. 1987
General Enforcement Policy Compendium. Volume 1. 1994
General Proceedings and Action Agendas from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Leadership Conference on Building Public-Private Partnerships. Held in Washington, DC. on October 26, 1988. 1989
Generalized particle size distribution for use in preparing size specific particulate emission inventories / 1986
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