Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Litter)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Let's keep Georgia peachy clean" coloring book / 1990
1991 international coastal cleanup results / 1992
5-Methylhexanoic Acid Developmental Toxicity Testing. 1991
Abstracts of Waste Reduction Case Studies. 1995
Animal Models for Assessing Developmental Toxicity. 1991
Application of microwave water sensing techniques to watersheds : completion report 1975
Assessing and monitoring floatable debris / 2002
Assessing and monitoring floatable debris. 2002
Beverage Container Problem. Analysis and Recommendations. 1972
Biology of plant litter decomposition. 1974
Clean streets/clean beaches : "the adventures of camouflage kid." 1993
Cleaner times : the curriculum guide / 1994
Cleaner times with camouflage kid : a clean streets/clean beaches publication. 1993
Collection efficiency : strategies for success. 1999
Decomposer basidiomycetes, their biology and ecology : symposium of the British Mycological Society, held at Queen Mary College, London, March 1979 / 1982
Design of shoreline surveys for aquatic litter pollution / 1991
Development and Demonstration of a Pilot-Scale Debris Washing System. 1991
Distribution, Type, Accumulation, and Source of Marine Debris in the United States, 1989-93. 1994
Effects of Chronic Chlorine Exposure on Litter Processing in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Effects of heavy metal pollution on decomposition in forest soils / 1975
Examination of the effect of forest litter on water quality. 1982
Garbage| : the trashiest book you'll ever read / 1993
Getting more for less : improving collection efficiency. 1999
Gonadal Effects of Fetal Exposure to the Azo Dye Congo Red in Mice: Infertility in Female but Not Male Offspring. 1992
Guideline for monitoring stormwater gross solids / 2010
How Spider stopped the Litterbugs / 1991
Initial Submission: Letter from Clorox to USEPA Regarding Unconfirmed Report of Child Death Due to Ingestion of Cat Litter, with Attachments & Dated 09/08/2000. 2000
Lee County, Mississippi solid waste disposal project. 1974
Litter and soil microbial dynamics in a deciduous forest stand / 1973
Litter in Oregon : a 1969-1970 study : report of the Joint Committee on Rules and Resolutions to the Governor of the State and the 56th Legislative Assembly. 1970
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Marine Debris Survey Manual. 1991
Nutrient cycling in a Jeffrey pine forest ecosystem 1973
Persistence and Fate of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Deposited on Slash Burn Sites in the Cascade Mountains and Coast Range of Oregon. 1984
Photochemical Air Pollutant Effects on Mixed Conifer Ecosystems. 1977
Planning for disaster debris / 1995
Poultry Litter and Renewable Resouce Seminar 2004
Poultry Litter and Renewable Resource Seminar: May 5, 2004, Fayetteville, AR, Attendee List 2004
Production and decomposition of forest litter fall on the Apalachicola River flood plain, Florida / 1982
Project completion report : study of the effectiveness and impact of the Oregon minimum deposit law / 1974
Refuse Collection and Disposal. An Annotated Bibliography, 1962-1963. 1966
Schuylkill Keep It Pretty : S.K.I.P. : middle school curriculum / 2000
Seas of Debris: A Summary of the International Conference on Marine Debris (3rd). Held in Miami, Florida in May 1994. 1995
Skeletal Development Following Heat Exposure in the Rat. 1993
Solid Waste Management. Abstracts from the Literature, 1964. 1971
Some effects of cadmium on coniferous forest soil/litter microcosms / 1975
Statistical Problems (and Some Solutions) Associated with Testing for Effects in Developmental Toxicology. 1991
Status of efforts to control aquatic debris / 1994
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