Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lead inorganic compounds)

Select Item Title Year Published
A bibliography for lead. 1986
Acute toxicity of selected toxicants to six species of fish / 1976
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for lead / 1985
Ambient water quality criteria for lead / 1980
Ambient Water Quality Criteria: Lead. 1978
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume I, Assessment of fuel additives emission toxicity via selected assays of nucleic acid and protein synthesis / 1976
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume II, Relative toxicities of automotive metallic emissions against lead compounds using biochemical parameters / 1976
Behavioral toxicology : an emerging discipline : proceedings of the Southwest Psychological Association annual meeting, April 30, 1976, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1977
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K046 (addendum) : final. 1990
Biological Aspects of Lead: An Annotated Bibliography. Part I. Literature from 1950 through 1964. 1972
Biological Aspects of Lead: An Annotated Bibliography. Part II. Literature from 1950 through 1964. 1972
Clinical and biochemical approaches to the study of lead at low levels : report of a symposium, February 1970 / 1970
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition (Including Supplements 1-7). Supplement No. 10. 1980
Development and Application of Tunable Diode Lasers to the Detection and Quantitative Evaluation of Pollutant Gases. 1972
Development of Particulate Emission Control Techniques for Spark-Ignition Engines. 1971
Development of Particulate Emissions Control Techniques for Spark Ignition Engines. 1971
Electrochemical Design Associates (formerly Geokinetics International, Inc.) lead recovery technology evaluation : Building 394 Battery Shop, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility, Honolulu, Hawaii / 2003
Extraction and Recovery of Lead Species from Soil. 1992
Final best demostrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K046 (vol. 10) {microfiche} 1990
Formation of Inorganic Particles during Suspension Heating of Simulated Wastes. 1991
Impact on Man of Environmental Contamination Caused by Lead. 1971
Inquiry Investigation of Environmental Pollution and Damage Due to Vehicular Traffic in Urban Areas - Noise and Pollutants. 1974
Measuring Inorganic and Alkyl Lead Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1979
Multicomponent Aerosol Dynamic of the Pb-O2 System in a Bench Scale Flame Incinerator. 1992
Natural Removal of Lead Pollutants from a Suburban Atmosphere. 1968
Recommendation on Lead Staff Paper. 1986
Recommended Methods of Reduction, Neutralization, Recovery, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Volume XIII. Industrial and Municipal Disposal Candidate Waste Stream Constituent Profile Reports. Inorganic Compounds (co ntinued). 1973
Recommended Methods of Reduction, Neutralization, Recovery, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste. Volume XIV. Summary of Waste Origins, Forms, and Quantities. 1973
Report of the PAX Company Arsenic Advisory Committee to the Environmental Protection Agency. 1973
Research on control technology for ice fog from mobile sources / 1978
Seminar summary : sampling and analysis of the various forms of atmospheric lead / 1975
Size specific total particulate emission factors for mobile sources / 1985
Size specific total particulate emission factors for mobile sources / 1984
Study of Indoor-Outdoor Air Pollutant Relationships. Volume I and II. 1970
Summary characterizations of selected chemicals of near-term interest / 1976
X-Ray Emission Analysis: Sample Losses During Excitation. 1978
Xray, microscope and wet chemical techniques: a complimentary team for deposit analysis {microfiche} 1991

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