Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hepatitis A virus)

Select Item Title Year Published
Adequacy of Disinfection for Control of Newly Recognized Waterborne Pathogens. 1982
Effect of Chlorine Treatment on Infectivity of Hepatitis A Virus. 1983
Evaluation of Methods for Concentrating Hepatitis A Virus from Drinking Water. 1985
Hepatitis C methods and protocols / 2009
Hepatitis delta virus / 2006
Hepatitis viruses. 1994
Identification, isolation and characterization of the infectious hepatitis (hepatitis A) agent / 1977
Improved methods for hepatitis A virus and rotavirus concentration and detection in recreational, raw potable, and finished waters / 1988
Improved methods for hepatitis A virus and rotavirus concentration and detection in recreational, raw potable, and finished waters / 1988
Inactivation Kinetics of Monochloramine on Monodispersed Hepatitis A Virus and MS2. 1995
Inactivation of Hepatitis A Virus and Model Viruses in Water by Free Chlorine and Monochloramine. 1988
Removal of Hepatitis A Virus and Rotavirus by Drinking Water Treatment. 1988
Survival and Transport of Hepatitis A Virus in Soils, Groundwater and Wastewater (Journal Version). 1986
The effect of OSHA's bloodborne pathogens standard on hazardous waste cleanup activities. 1993
Type A viral hepatitis : effect of chlorine on infectivity / 1982
Virus-associated cancers in Africa = Les Cancers associ es aux virus en Afrique / 1984

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