Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fish population)

Select Item Title Year Published
An evaluation of the fish population, North Fork of the South Platte River. 1977
Assessing the effects of changes in exploitation pattern using length composition data (with notes on VPA and cohort analysis) 1984
Assessment of fish community structure in and near site 104 : final report / 1998
Food and Feeding of Young Finfish Species in the Lower Roanoke River, Batchelor Bay, and Western Albermarle Sound, North Carolina, 1982-1988. Volume 2 - Appendices. 1994
Intensive Survey of the Big Muddy Main Stem from Rend Lake to the Mississippi River, 1988. 1991
Methods and quality of VSP monitoring of ESA listed Puget Sound salmon and steelhead with identified critical gaps 2012 / 2012
Multi-Objective Flood Mitigation Plan Vermillion River Basin South Dakota 1994
Review of the Interior Columbia River Technical Recovery Team's analyses of survival changes needed to meet viability criteria / 2008
Species composition, distribution, and relative abundance of fishes in the coastal habitat off the southeastern United States 1989

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