Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 62
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental engineering United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An SAB report : future issues in environmental engineering : report on future issues and challenges in environmental engineering and technology by the Environmental Engineering Committee. 1995
Annual report, innovative technologies progress, fy 1991 - fy 1992 / 1993
Building air quality : a guide for building owners and facility managers : training kit, an introduction to building air quality. 1992
Building air quality : a guide for building owners and facility managers. 1991
Building air quality action plan. 1998
Carroll's corporate environmental directory. 1997
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends - fact sheet and order form. 1993
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends : 1996 edition : executive summary. 1997
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends : 2004 edition. 2004
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends. 1993
Compendium of quality assurance project plan guidance, Region I, EPA-New England / 1998
Compendium of quality assurance project plan requirements and guidance / 1999
Compilation and review of completed restoration and mitigation studies in developing an evaluation framework for environmental resources 1995
Engineering trade-offs program {computer file}. 2000
Environmental & water quality operational studies : information exchange bulletin / 1984
Environmental engineering for the 21st century : addressing grand challenges / 2019
Environmental investments : the cost of a clean environment : a summary / 1990
Environmental science; challenge for the seventies; report. 1971
Environmental technologies exports : strategic framework for U.S. leadership. 1993
Environmental who's who for northern great plains energy development : a guide to individuals, organizations, and programs focused on environmental impacts of energy development in Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming / 1974
EPA newsletter. Quality assurance / 1986
EPA newsletter. Quality assurance / 0
EPA/CMA root cause analysis pilot project : an industry survey. 1999
Federal facilities environmental journal. 1990
Garbology : our dirty love affair with trash / 2013
Global environmental market and United States environmental industry competitiveness. 1996
Green products by design : choices for a cleaner environment. 1992
Greening federal facilities : an energy, environmental, and economic resource guide for federal facilities managers / 1997
Guidelines and support documents for environmental effects testing : draft. 1982
Guidelines and support documents for environmental effects testing. 1982
I-Beam IAQ building education and assessment model. 2001
In situ enhanced source removal / 1999
In situ enhanced source removal / 1999
Industry leadership for a sustainable future / 1995
Information : a catalyst for environmental risk reduction : proceedings. 1991
Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division : science and technology to treat contaminated soils, sludges, and sediments. 1998
National Network for Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) : program catalog, 1994-95. 1994
National network for environmental management studies (NNEMS) : topic sponsor guide, 1994-95. 1994
ORD publications announcement / 0
ORD publications announcement : February-May 1993. 1993
ORD publications announcement : January - March 1994. 1994
ORD publications announcement : June-September 1993. 1993
ORD publications announcement : November 1991 - March 1992. 1992
Perspectives on private investment in innovative remediation technology companies / 1999
Preparation aids for the development of Category I quality assurance project plans / 1991
Preparation aids for the development of Category II quality assurance project plans / 1991
Preparation aids for the development of Category III quality assurance project plans / 1991
Preparation aids for the development of Category IV quality assurance project plans / 1991
Radiofrequency radiation exposure facilities for bio-effects research / 1983
Radiofrequency radiation exposure facilities for bio-effects research at the Health Effects Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina / 1983
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