Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental Pollution adverse effects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid deposition : long-term trends / 1986
America's children and the environment : a first view of available measures. 2000
America's children and the environment : measures of contaminants, body burdens, and illnesses. 2003
Assessing the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on human health : a summary of the June 2010 workshop / 2010
Blue vinyl / 2005
Catching your breath strategies to reduce environmental factors that contribute to asthma in children / {electronic resource} : 2003
Chemosphere. Global change science. 1999
Considerations for control of radiation exposures to personnel from shipments of radioactive materials on passenger aircraft. 1974
Doubt is their product : how industry's assault on science threatens your health / 2008
Ecosystems and human health : toxicology and environmental hazards / 2013
Ecosystems and human health : toxicology and environmental hazards / 2001
Ecotoxicology : ecological fundamentals, chemical exposure, and biological effects / 1998
Ecotoxicology : problems and approaches / 1989
Endocrine disrupting chemicals 1999
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals : from basic research to clinical practice / 2007
Environmental medicine 1995
Environmentally induced disorders sourcebook : basic information about diseases and syndromes linked to exposure to pollutants and other substances in outdoor and indoor environments such as lead, asbestos, formaldehyde, mercury, emissions, noise, and more / 1997
Exposure science in the 21st century : a vision and a strategy / 2012
Fundamentals of ecotoxicology / 1998
Inheriting the world : the atlas of children's health and the environment / 2004
Interconnections between human and ecosystem health / 1996
Invisible trauma : the psychosocial effects of invisible environmental contaminants / 1988
Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A. 1998
Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A. 1998
Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part B, Critical reviews. 1998
Life support : the environment and human health / 2002
Metal ecotoxicology : concepts & applications / 1991
Neurobehavioral toxicology. 1979
Occupational, industrial, and environmental toxicology 1997
Occupational, industrial, and environmental toxicology / 2003
PAHs : an ecotoxicological perspective / 2003
Pharmaceuticals in the environment : sources, fate, effects, and risks / 2008
Pollution : causes, effects, and control / 2001
Pollution : causes, effects, and control / 1996
Principles of toxicology : environmental and industrial applications / 2015
Research into environmental pollution : report of five WHO scientific groups. 1968
Silent scourge : children, pollution, and why scientists disagree / 2003
Slow death by rubber duck : the secret danger of everyday things / 2009
Street science : community knowledge and environmental health justice / 2005
Tainted earth : smelters, public health, and the environment / 2014
Thallium in the environment / 1998
Toxic nation : the fight to save our communities from chemical contamination / 1993
Toxics and health : the potential long-term effects of industrial activity / 1995
Wildlife toxicology : emerging contaminant and biodiversity issues / 2010

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