Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electrode potentials)

Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of the Reducing Properties of Anaerobic Sediment Slurries Using Redox Indicators. 1990
Dissolved oxygen and oxidation potentials in ground water 1986
Electrode Measurement of Redox Potential in Anaerobic Ferric/Ferrous Chloride Systems. 1989
Factors affecting trace metal mobility in subsurface soils 1988
Fate of selected toxic compounds under controlled redox potential and pH conditions in soil and sediment-water systems / 1984
Influence of Redox Potential on the Anaerobic Biotransformation of Nitrogen-Heterocyclic Compounds in Anoxic Freshwater Sediments (Revised). 1994
Recovery of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin Added to Soil and Sediment Suspensions Incubated under Controlled Redox Potential and pH Conditions (Journal Version). 1984
Spatial and Temporal Gradients in Aquifer Oxidation-Reduction Conditions. 1989
Sunlight-Induced Oxidation and Reduction of Organic Xenobiotics in Water. 1988

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