Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 39
Showing: Items 1 - 39
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Drinking water Government policy United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board's Drinking Water Committee concerning EPA's five-year research plan on disinfection/disinfectant byproducts (D/DBP) / 1995
Analytical methods for drinking water : advances in sampling and analysis / 2006
Complying with the long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule : small entity compliance guide. 2008
Consideration of other regulatory revisions for chemical contaminants in support of the six-year review of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. 2002
Consideration of other regulatory revisions for chemical contaminants in support of the six-year review of the national primary drinking water regulations. 2003
Consideration of other regulatory revisions in support of the second six-year review of the national primary drinking water regulations. 2009
Corrected attachment I for PWSS settlement penalty calculation worksheet / 1994
Delegations of authority for the public water system supervision program / 1990
Development of estimated quantitation levels for the second six-year review of national primary drinking water regulations. 2009
Drinking water priority rulemaking : microbial and disinfection byproduct rules. 1998
Drinking water priority rulemaking microbial and disinfection byproduct rules. {electronic resource} : 2001
Economic analysis of the final regulations addressing cooling water intake structures for new facilities {electronic resource}. 2001
Economic analysis of the final regulations addressing cooling water intake structures for new facilities. 2001
EPA protocol for the second review of existing national primary drinking water regulations (updated). 2009
Fact sheet / long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule. 2005
Fact sheet / revision to state primary regulations for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program 40 CFR Part 142, Subpart B (54 FR 52126, December 20, 1989. 1989
Fact sheet : lead and copper rule proposed minor revisions. 1996
Guidance for FY 1987 PWSS enforcement agreements / 1986
Guidance for FY 1988 PWSS enforcement agreements / 1987
Implementing AWOPS through the capacity development and DWSRF programs. 2003
Information Collection Request for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation / 1999
Long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule (LT2ESWTR) implementation guidance {electronic resource}. 2003
Long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule toolbox guidance manual / 2010
Long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule toolbox guidance manual / 2010
LT2ESWTR data collection and tracking system factsheet. 2006
LT2ESWTR source water monitoring for systems serving at least 10,000 people factsheet. 2006
MDBP stage 1 : quick reference guide. 1998
New public water system supervision program settlement penalty policy / 1994
Occurrence summary and use support document for the six-year review of national primary drinking water regulations. 2002
Policy on publicizing enforcement activities / 1988
Policy on publicizing enforcement activities / 1985
Press release policy / 1985
Proposed long term 2 enhanced surface water treatment rule : fact sheet. 2002
Proposed Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. 2003
Sierra Club guide to safe drinking water 1996
Six-year review chemical contaminants health effects technical support document. 2002
Six-year review July 18, 2003 notice (68 FR 42908) fact sheet & technical support documents. 2003
Use of grant funds for data management activities / 1980
Water supply guidance problems associated with disinfectant changes / 1999

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