Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5
Showing: Items 1 - 5
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dredging spoil Environmental aspects California San Francisco Bay)

Select Item Title Year Published
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : bioaccumulation from bedded sediments / 1993
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : partial life-cycle exposure to bedded sediments / 1993
Environmental impacts of dredged material dumping at the Alcatraz dumpsite, San Francisco Bay, California : a preliminary assessment / 1988
Long-term management strategy (LTMS) for the placement of dredged material in the San Francisco Bay region : draft policy environmental impact statement/programmatic environmental impact report / 1996
Long-term management strategy (LTMS) for the placement of dredged material in the San Francisco Bay region : final policy environmental impact statement/programmatic environmental impact report / 1998

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