Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Disulfoton)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute Toxicity of Kelthane, Dursban, Disulfoton, Pydrin, and Permethrin to Fathead Minnows 'Pimephales promelas' and Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1982
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K037 : final amendment to. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K037 : final. 1988
Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Organophosphorous Wastes (Proposed). 1988
Characterization of Disulfoton-Induced Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects Following Repeated Exposure. 1993
Correlation of the Anticholinesterase Activity of a Series of Organophosphates with Their Ability to Compete with Agonist Binding to Muscarinic Receptors. 1993
Depth Dependence of Direct and Indirect Photolysis on Soil Surfaces. 1990
Disulfoton : health advisory / 1988
Disulfoton : health advisory / 1987
Effect of Repeated Organophosphate Administration on Carbachol-Stimulated Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis in the Rat Brain. 1993
Exposure of Fertilizer Mixing Plant Workers to Disulfoton. 1978
Guidance for the reregistration of manufacturing-use and certain end-use pesticide products containing disulfoton (032501), case number 102, CAS 298-04-4. 1984
Incineration of Three RCRA Wastes at the USEPA's Combustion Research Facility (CRF). 1988
Pesticide fact sheet number 43 : disulfoton / 1984
Production, Distribution, Use and Environmental Impact Potential of Selected Pesticides. 1974
Proposed amendment to best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 15, Background document for K037 / 1989
Proposed amendment to final best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 14, Background document for organophosphorus wastes (K036 nonwastewaters) / 1989
The pollution potential in pesticide manufacturing / 1972
Toxicological profile for disulfoton / 1995
Toxicological profile for disulfoton : draft / 1993

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