Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 67
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Développement durable)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Assessing the sustainability and biological integrity of water resources using fish communities / 1999
Biodiversity prospecting : using genetic resources for sustainable development / 1993
Biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development : principles and practices with Asian examples / 1999
Caring for the earth : a strategy for sustainable living. 1991
Changing course : a global business perspective on development and the environment / 1992
Climate action / 2007
Climate change 2014 : mitigation of climate change : Working Group III contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 2014
Creeping environmental problems and sustainable development in the Aral Sea basin / 1999
Earth, Inc. : using nature's rules to build sustainable profits / 2010
Eco-efficiency : the business link to sustainable development / 1997
Ecosystem management for sustainability : principles and practices illustrated by a regional biosphere reserve cooperative / 1999
Ecotourism : a sustainable option? / 1994
Energy revolution : policies for a sustainable future / 2003
Enough is enough : building a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources / 2013
Environmental land use planning and management / 2004
Environmental law, policy, and economics : reclaiming the environmental agenda / 2008
Environmental life cycle costing / 2008
Flashpoints in environmental policymaking : controversies in achieving sustainability / 1997
Hydrogen futures : toward a sustainable energy system / 2001
Investing in natural capital : the ecological economics approach to sustainability / 1994
Investing in the future : harnessing private capital flows for environmentally sustainable development / 1998
Invoking the spirit : religion and spirituality in the quest for a sustainable world / 2002
Measuring sustainable development : integrated economic, environmental and social frameworks. 2004
Nature and human society : the quest for a sustainable world : proceedings of the 1997 Forum on Biodiversity / 2000
Nature's cornucopia : our stake in plant diversity / 1999
Our common future / 1987
Our common journey : a transition toward sustainability / 2000
Our ecological footprint : reducing human impact on the earth / 1996
Paper cuts : recovering the paper landscape / 1999
Paying the piper : subsidies, politics, and the environment / 1996
Plan B 2.0 : rescuing a planet under stress and a civilization in trouble / 2006
Powering the future : blueprint for a sustainable electricity industry / 1994
Reinventing cities for people and the planet / 1999
Resilience thinking : sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world / 2006
Rising sun, gathering winds : policies to stabilize the climate and strengthen economies / 1997
Saving the planet : how to shape an environmentally sustainable global economy / 1991
Solar economy : renewable energy for a sustainable global future / 2004
State of the world 2005 : a Worldwatch Institute Report on progress toward a sustainable society / 2005
State of the world 2012 : moving toward sustainable prosperity : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / 2012
State of the world 2013 : is sustainability still possible? / 2013
State of the world, 2004 : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / 2004
Strategies for the green economy : opportunities and challenges in the new world of business / 2009
Sustainable agriculture research and education in the field : a proceedings / 1991
Sustainable communities in Europe / 2001
Sustainable development for the second world : Ukraine and the nations in transition / 2003
Sustainable energy--without the hot air / 2009
The application of biotechnology to industrial sustainability. 2001
The carbon war : global warming and the end of the oil era / 2001
The Earth Summit at Rio : politics, economics, and the environment / 1997
The Earthscan reader in sustainable development / 1995
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