Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Conflict management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
21 ways to defuse anger and calm people down / 2005
Agent-based modeling of environmental conflict and cooperation / 2019
Alternative dispute resolution for organizations : how to design a system for effective conflict resolution / 1998
Becoming a conflict competent leader : how you and your organization can manage conflict effectively / 2007
Beyond neutrality : confronting the crisis in conflict resolution / 2004
Breaking the impasse : consensual approaches to resolving public disputes / 1987
Common ground on hostile turf : stories from an environmental mediator / 2013
Community mediation : a handbook for practitioners and researchers / 1991
Conflict : the rules of engagement / 1997
Conflict is for the birds : understanding your conflict management style / 2006
Conflict management the courage to confront / 1995
Conflict resolution toolbox : models & maps for analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving conflict / 2005
Constructive engagement resource guide : practical advice for dialogue among facilities, workers, communities and regulators. 1999
Crucial confrontations : tools for resolving broken promises, violated expectations, and bad behavior / 2005
Dealing with conflict & confrontation : how to keep your cool, stand your ground and reach a positive resolution / 1993
Designing conflict management systems : a guide to creating productive and healthy organizations / 1996
Dispute resolution ethics : a comprehensive guide / 2002
Environmental disputes : community involvement in conflict resolution / 1990
EPA Region 8 environmental collaboration and conflict resolution training : May 20-22, 2014 / 2014
EPA Region VI ADR workshop : collaborative problem solving for superfund site teams / 2000
Evolution of cooperation 1984
Food Quality Protection Act : proceedings of the conference March 3rd, 1999 Westford, Massachusetts. 1999
From conflict to peacebuilding : the role of natural resources and the environment. 2009
Getting disputes resolved : designing systems to cut the costs of conflict / 1988
Getting to resolution : turning conflict into collaboration / 1998
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 1991
Guidance on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Enforcement Actions. 1990
Guidance on Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution for Litigation in Federal Courts. 1992
HBR guide to dealing with conflict / 2017
How to deal with difficult people 2002
Introduction to environmental conflict management : a legislative perspective : proceedings of a seminar, July 22-{23}, 1984, National Conference of State Legislatures, annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. 1984
Ironing it out : seven simple steps to resolving conflict / 1995
Joy of conflict resolution : transforming victims, villains and heroes in the workplace and at home / 2004
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks; A Public Participation Guide for Region 8 States 1988
Lessons in fear / 2005
Lion taming : working successfully with leaders, bosses, and other tough customers / 2004
Making sense of intractable environmental conflicts : frames and cases / 2003
Managing conflict dynamics : a practical approach / 2004
Managing conflict with direct reports / 2002
Managing conflict with peers / 2003
Managing conflict with your boss / 2002
Managing disagreement constructively 1988
Managing our differences : meeting the demands of diversity / 1995
Mediation case studies / 1992
Negotiating at an uneven table : developing moral courage in resolving our conflicts / 2002
Negotiation journal. 1985
Preventing the next wave of conflict : understanding non-traditional threats to global stability : report of the Non-Traditional Threats Working Group / 2003
Resolving conflicts arising from the privatization of environmental data 2001
Resolving conflicts on the job / 1993
Resolving disputes over science in natural resource agency decisionmaking / 2010
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