Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Combined cycle power plants)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid rain control options. 1990
An Analysis of the costs and cost effectiveness of allowing SO2 emission credits for cogeneration systems / 1985
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (executive summary) / 1979
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (technical report) / 1979
Comprehensive Standards: The Power Generation Case. 1975
Costs for advanced coal combustion technologies / 1990
Deploying IGCC in this Decade with 3Party Covenant Financing. Volume II. 2004
Environmental footprints and costs of coal-based integrated gasification combined cycle and pulverized coal technologies / 2006
Environmental, operational, and economic aspects of thirteen selected energy technologies / 1980
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the fossil fuel electric power generation industry. 1997
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project. Profile of the fossil fuel electric power generation industry. 1997
Feasibility study for a direct, air-cooled condensation system / 1976
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Executive summary. 1995
Fuel gas environmental impact / 1976
Fuel gas environmental impact : final report / 1978
Fuel gas environmental impact : phase report / 1975
Low NOx combustion concepts for advanced power generation systems firing low-BTU gas / 1977
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control. Volume II: Utility Boiler NOx Control by Combustion Modification. 1981
Symposium on Particulate Control in Energy Processes / 1976
Technoeconomic appraisal of integrated gasification combined-cycle power generation / 1990
Wanapa Energy Center : final environmental impact statement / 2004
Wastewater treatment manual for coal gasification-combined-cycle power plants 1992

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