Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Case histories)

Select Item Title Year Published
Autopsy protocols of human cases / 1957
Behavioral Strategies to Bridge the Gap Between Potential and Actual Savings in Commercial Buildings. 2014
Bioremediation Strategic Technology Exchange Workshops; September 7-8, 1994 Denver, Colorado 1994
Case-Control Study of Bladder Cancer in Massachusetts Among Populations Receiving Chlorinated and Chloraminated Drinking Water. 1989
Climate and Land-Use Change Effects on Ecological Resources in Three Watersheds: A Synthesis Report. 2012
Five Resource Recovery Success Stories. 1981
Incident Response and Clearance in the State of Texas: Case Studies of Four Motorist Assistance Patrols. 1992
Land Pollution: Strategies for Emergency Action. 1976
Memo from Velsicol Chemical Corporation to US EPA re: Benzoyl Chjloride as a Carcinogen with Attachments. 1977
Regionalization options for small water systems / 1983

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