Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Externalization" of EPA's water laboratory performance evaluation programs : options paper : draft. 1996
2003 update of ambient water quality criteria for copper : (CAS registry number 7440-50-8) / 2003
Aquatic life ambient freshwater quality criteria copper [electronic resource] : 2007
ARARs (Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements), Session B: CERCLA Compliance with other Laws Workshop. 1983
Benefits Assessment of Water Pollution Control Programs Since 1972: Part 1, The Benefits of Point Source Controls for Conventional Pollutants in Rivers and Streams. Final Report. 2000
Development document for the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
District of Columbia Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Rock Creek. 2004
District of Columbia Final Total Maximum Daily Loads for Metals in Rock Creek. 2004
Economic Analysis for the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category-Phase 1. 1997
Economic analysis for the proposed Section 316(b) rule for Phase III facilities. 2004
Economic analysis of the final regulations addressing cooling water intake structures for new facilities. 2001
Economic and engineering analyses of the proposed section 316(b) new facility rule / 2000
Environmental Laws and Policies Reference Manual, Environmental Workshop 1986 Fall Conference 1986
EPA Should Strengthen Records Management on Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Notification Reviews for Surface Coal Mining. 2012
Evaluation of dredged material proposed for discharge in waters of the U.S. - testing manual : inland testing manual / 1998
Evaluation of Region 7 Tribal Grants Programmatic Processes. 2011
Field manual for coral reef assessments / 2012
Final guidance on awards of grants to Indian tribes under Section 106 of the Clean Water Act : for fiscal years 2007 and beyond. 2006
Final Total Maximum Daily Loads in the Waters of Silver Bay, Alaska. Part I. Residues and Toxic Substances. Part II. Rationale for Removing the Listing for Dissolved Oxygen. 2003
Incorporating Bundled Measures in a State Implementation Plan (SIP). 2005
Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program. 2011
Memorandum of agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service regarding enhanced coordination under the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act (66 FR 11202 ; February 22, 2001). 2002
Methodology for assessing exposure to toxic chemicals in the ambient environment : Appendix B and Appendix C / 1980
On-Site Environmental Monitoring Program Evaluation of South Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources 1988
On-Site Quality Assurance Evaluation of Utah State Laboratory and Utah Division of Environmental Health within the Utah Department of Health 1987
Report of the Experts Scientific Workshop on Critical Research Needs for the Development of New or Revised Recreational Water Quality Criteria held in Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, March 26-30, 2007. Draft Executive Summary by Workgroup Chairs. 2007
Report of the Experts Scientific Workshop on Critical Research Needs for the Development of New or Revised Recreational Water Quality Criteria. 2007
Report to Congress: Indian Watewater Treatment Needs and Assistance 1989
Retrospective Assessment of the Costs of the Clean Water Act: 1972 to 1997. Final Report. 2000
The regional benefits assessment for the proposed Section 316(b) rule for Phase III facilities / 2004
The SB-10 Controversy: a Public Information Document on the 1981 Amendments to the Colorado Water Quality Control Act 1985
Total Maximum Daily Load of Mercury for Cash Lake Watershed, Prince George's County, Maryland. 2010
Total Maximum Daily Load of Sediment in the Upper Monocacy River Watershed, Frederick and Carroll Counties, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Anacostia River Basin in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland. Final. 2006
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Antietam Creek Basin in Washington County, Maryland. Final. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Cherry Creek Sub-Basin in the Youghiogheny River Basin in Garrett County, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Conococheague Creek Basin in Washington County, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Double Pipe Creek Basin in Carroll and Frederick Counties, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Liberty Reservoir Basin in Carroll and Baltimore Counties, Maryland. 2008
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Little Youghiogheny River Basin in Garrett County, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Loch Raven Reservoir Basin in Baltimore, Carroll, and Harford Counties, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Fecal Bacteria for the Patapsco River Lower North Branch Basin in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, and Howard Counties, and Baltimore City, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Nutrients/Biochemical Oxygen Demand for the Anacostia River Basin, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Final. 2008
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Back River Oligohaline Tidal Chesapeake Bay Segment, Maryland. Final. 2011
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Baltimore Harbor, Curtis Creek/Bay, and Bear Creek Portions of Patapsco River Mesohaline Tidal Chesapeake Bay Segment, Maryland. 2011
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Corsica River of the Lower Chester River, Mesohaline Segment, Queen Anne's County, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Sassafras River, Oligohaline Segment, Cecil and Kent Counties, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Sediment in the Antietam Creek Watershed, Washington County, Maryland. Final. 2008
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Sediment/Total Suspended Solids for the Anacostia River Basin, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, Maryland and The District of Columbia. Final. 2007
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Sediments and Phosphorus to Centennial Lake, Howard County, MD. 2013
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