Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biodeterioration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Decline of Red Spruce in the Adirondacks, New York. 1984
Degradability, ecotoxicity, and bio-accumulation : the determination of the possible effects of chemicals and waste on the aquatic environment. 1980
Degradation mechanisms : controlling the bioaccumulation of hazardous materials / 1975
Degradation of Halogenated Aliphatic Compounds by the Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium 'Nitrosomonas europaea'. 1990
Degradation of Malathion by Salt-Marsh Microorganisms. 1976
Degradation of pesticides by algae / 1976
Degradation of Riparian Leaves and the Recycling of Nutrients in a Stream Ecosystem. 1972
Degradation of Selected Xenobiotics in Three Types of Aquatic Test Systems. 1983
Degradation of the Chlorinated Phenoxyacetate Herbicides 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid by Pure and Mixed Bacterial Cultures. 1990
Degradation of Waste Paper to Protein. Research in Microbial Fermentations. 1971
Dehalogenation: A Novel Pathway for the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Haloaromatic Compounds. 1982
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds, phase II / 1971
Denitrification by Anaerobic Filters and Ponds. Phase II. 1971
Depuration Kinetics of Hexachlorobenzene in the Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1990
Design and operation of aerated lagoons for municipal wastewater treatment in cold climates / 1972
Detergents in Water. A Bibliography. 1971
Determination of biodegradability kinetics of RCRA compounds using respirometry for structure-activity relationships / 1990
Determination of Monod Kinetics of Toxic Compounds by Respirometry for Structure-Biodegradability Relationships. 1990
Determination of Optimal Toxicant Loading for Biological Closure of a Hazardous Waste Site. 1989
Determination of the Rate of Biodegradation in Some Polluted Tropical Waters and in Some Types of Liquid Wastes Common in Puerto Rico. 1972
Determination of toxic chemicals in effluent from household septic tanks / 1985
Determining the Concentration of Oil in Water Samples by Infrared Spectrophotometry. Phase I: Sample Aging Study. 1974
Determining the Nutrient Status of Drinking Water. 1989
Development and Evaluation of Application Techniques for Delivery of Nutrients to Contaminated Shoreline in Prince William Sound. 1993
Development of field applied DDT / 1974
Development of laboratory model ecosystems as early warning elements of environmental pollution. 1974
Development of Predictive Structure-Biodegradation Relationship Models with the Use of Respirometrically Generated Biokinetic Data. 1992
Development of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships for Predicting Biodegradation Kinetics. 1990
Development of suspended solids quality control and performance evaluation samples / 1976
Development of water and soil treatment technology based on the utilization of a white-rot, wood rotting fungus / 1988
Dibutylphthalate Degradation in Estuarine and Freshwater Sites. 1984
Dioxins. 1980
Disinfection By-Product Formation and Control by Ozonation and Biotreatment. 1993
Disposal of Polymer Solid Wastes by Primary Polymer Producers and Plastics Fabricators. 1972
Drinking Water Criteria Document for Hexachlorocyclopentadiene. 1988
Dynamic behavior of vinyl chloride in aquatic ecosystems / 1976
Ecologic Impact of the Interactions Among Microorganisms and Aquatic Contaminants in Lake Erie. Phase III. Parts 5, 6, and 7. 1973
Ecological Considerations Related to the Release of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms to the Environment. 1990
Effect of Ampicillin-Induced Alterations in Murine Intestinal Microbiota on the Survival and Competition of Environmentally Released Pseudomonads. 1989
Effect of Bioremediation on the Mutagenicity of Oil Spilled in Prince William Sound, Alaska. 1991
Effect of Chlorine Position on the Degradation of Dichlorophenols in Anaerobic Pond Sediment. 1987
Effect of Fluorinated Analogues of Phenol and Hydroxybenzoates on the Anaerobic Transformation of Phenol to Benzoate. 1990
Effect of hazardous material spills on biological treatment processes / 1977
Effect of Inoculation on the Biodegradation of Weathered Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil. 1992
Effect of Microbial Concentration on Biodegradation Rates of Phenols. 1989
Effect of Nitrate Addition on Biorestoration of Fuel-Contaminated Aquifer: Field Demonstration. 1991
Effect of Pesticide Residues and Other Organo-Toxicants on the Quality of Surface and Ground Water Resources. 1970
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Transport of Bacteria in a Saturated Aquifer Material. 1991
Effects and interactions of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) with estuarine microorganisms and shellfish / 1977
Effects of Adaptation on Biodegradation Rates in Sediment/Water Cores from Estuarine and Freshwater Environments. 1980
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