Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Alcoholic beverages)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alcohol drinking. 1988
Alcoholic beverage processes / 1976
Alcoholic beverages / 1977
Pollution prevention assessment for a manufacturer of bourbon whiskey / 1995
Report of analyses of wines and related products to determine lead content. 1991
Supplement C to Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. Volume 1, Stationary point and area sources. 1997
United States Evaluation Report on CCMS Road Safety Pilot Study Follow-up (Rapport des Etats-Unis sur L'Evaluation des Suites Donnees a L'Etude Pilote du CDSM sur la Securite Routiere). 1976

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