Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Economic aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A model for regional air pollution cost / benefit analysis / 1971
A model for regional air pollution cost/benefit analysis / 1971
A study of the social and economic impact of odors : phase II / 1971
Air and water pollution regulation : accomplishments and economic consequences / 1993
Air pollution abatement and regional economic development; an input-output analysis 1974
Air pollution control : a welfare economic interpretation / 1975
Air pollution control in the primary aluminum industry / 1973
Air pollution damage functions and regional damage estimates 1977
Air pollution damage to man-made materials : physical and economic estimates 1983
Air pollution economics : 1978 (citations from the NTIS data base). 1980
Air pollution offsets : trading, selling, and banking / 1980
Air pollution/land use planning project / 1973
Analysis of New Source Review (NSR) permitting experience : executive summary. 1982
Assessment of economic impact of air pollutants on vegetation in the United States: 1969 and 1971; final report, 1973
Clean air environment for California; project clean air. A progress report to the Regents of the University of California. 1970
Clearing the air : the health and economic damages of air pollution in China / 2007
Climate change : designing a practical tax system. 1992
Coke oven economic study / 1989
Comprehensive economic cost study of air pollution control costs for selected industries and selected regions : final report : prepared for the National Air Pollution Control Administration, United States Public Health Service, Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare / 1970
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic effects of air quality standards / 1970
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic effects of air quality standards / 1970
Concept paper : emission reduction banking and trading systems / by ICF, Inc. ; prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1980
Controlled trading : how to reduce the cost of air pollution control. 1981
Cost analysis of two air quality attainment strategies / 1976
Cost and emission reduction of the MACT floor level of control : memorandum. 2010
Cost estimates of upgrading particulate matter controls on copper smelter reverberatory furnaces / 1977
Cost of air pollution damage; a status report 1973
Cost-effectiveness of a uniform national sulfur emissions tax / 1974
Costs of air pollution control : analyses of emission control options for ozone abatement strategies / 2005
Demonstration of a regional air pollution cost-benefit model / 1971
Demonstration of a regional air pollution cost/benefit model / 1971
EAB control cost manual. 1987
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : asphalt roofing and processing: final rule. 2003
Economic assessment of the health benefits from improvements in air quality in the south coast air basin 1989
Economic costs of air pollution; studies in measurement 1967
Economic impact analysis for the printing and publishing NESHAP : draft. 1995
Economic impact analysis of constraints on particulate control equipment replacements, R79-3 / 1979
Economic impact of air emissions regulations : waste solvent recycling : final report. 1988
Economic impact of air pollutants on plants in the United States, 1971
Economic impact of air pollution controls on the secondary nonferrous metals industry. 1969
Economic impact of changing the carbon monoxide emission limitations for steel mills, R78-1 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the non-attainment areas for ozone in North Carolina. 1979
Economic Impact of Implementing RACT guidelines in the State of Georgia. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Georgia. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Kentucky. 1979
Economic Impact of Implementing RACT Guidelines in the State of Kentucky. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Tennessee. 1979
Economic impact of implementing two RACT guidelines in the state of Alabama. : Final report. 1979
Economic impact of implementing volatile organic compound group II regulations in Ohio / 1981
Economic impact of proposed regulation 79-11 to allow a relaxation of APC rule 203 (g) for particulate matter 1980
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