Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tile drains)

Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical and sediment movement from agricultural land into Lake Erie : supplement report, project 390X, June 30, 1972 to Sept. 30, 1972 (data for calendar year 1972) / 1973
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds : phase II / 1971
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds, phase II / 1971
Denitrification by Anaerobic Filters and Ponds. Phase II. 1971
Engineering Feasibility Demonstration Study for Muskegon County, Michigan. Wastewater Treatment-Irrigation System. 1970
Hydrologic Simulation of Depressional Watersheds. 1972
Implementation of agricultural salinity control technology in Grand Valley / 1978
Management Practices Affecting Quality and Quantity of Irrigation Return Flow. 1974
Nitrate Reduction in the Vicinity of Tile Drains. 1973
Nutrients from Tile Drainage Systems. 1971
Nutrients from Tile Drainage Systems. 1971
Physical, Chemical, and Microbiological Factors Affecting the Discharge of Water into Drain Tile. 1972
Relation Between Soil Characteristics, Water Movement and Nitrate Contamination of Ground Water. 1972
Removal of Nitrate by an Algal System, Phase II. 1971
Removal of Nitrogen from Tile Drainage, Bio-Engineering Aspects of Agricultural Drainage San Joaquin Valley, California. 1971
Removal of Nitrogen from Tile Drainage. 1971
Steady-State Flow Patterns of Rainwater Seeping Through Bedded Soil With and Without Tile Drains. 1973
Study of Nitrate and Mineral Constituents from Tile Drainage in the San Joaquin Valley, California. 1966

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