Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 90
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Shelton AND A AND D)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
A study of exhaust emissions from eighty-four high mileage 1980 passenger cars / 1983
A study of exhaust emissions from forty high mileage 1981 passenger cars / 1984
Advanced biological treatment of municipal wastewater through aquaculture 1983
Advanced biological treatment of municipal wastewater through aquaculture / 1983
Aerial photographic analysis of hazardous waste disposal areas : Fridley, Brainerd, and Spring Valley, Minnesota / 1983
Aerial photographic analysis of hazardous waste disposal areas : Minnesota / 1983
Benthal decomposition of adsorbed oil pollutants 1970
Catalytically-assisted combustion in residential wood-fueled heating 1981
Charged membrane, low pressure ultrafiltration to treat acid mine drainage waters : completion report / 1979
Comparative reproductive biology of the gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur), and the threadfin shad, D. petenense (Gunther), in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma / 1972
Dehalogenation: A Novel Pathway for the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Haloaromatic Compounds. 1982
Designing a water conservation program : an annotated bibliography of source materials / 1993
Development and application of 1975 land use data 1978
Diesel fuel oils, 1975 / 1975
Diesel fuel oils, 1976 / 1976
Diesel fuel oils, 1977 / 1977
Diesel fuel oils, 1978 / 1978
Diesel fuel oils, 1982 / 1982
Directory of information for dynamometer testing of 1979-1981 light duty motor vehicles / 1981
Durability evaluation of aftermarket catalysts / 1986
Effect of Inoculation on the Biodegradation of Weathered Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil. 1992
Effect of Simulated Sulfuric Acid Rain on Yield, Growth, and Foliar Injury of Several Crops. 1980
Effectiveness of idle adjustment on light-duty trucks at commercial repair facilities / 1980
Effectiveness of idle adjustment on passenger cars at commercial repair facilities / 1980
EPA evaluation of BG supercharge gasoline treatment under Section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1981
EPA evaluation of the Atomized Vapor Injector device under section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1983
EPA evaluation of the Energy Gas Saver under section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1982
EPA evaluation of the Glynn-50 device under Section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1981
EPA evaluation of the Platinum Gasaver device under Section 511 of the Motor vehicle information and cost savings act / 1981
EPA evaluation of the Sav-A-Mile device under Section 511 of the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act / 1981
EPA evaluation of the Wickliff Polarizer device under Section 511 of the Motor vehicle information and cost savings act / 1981
Evaluation and Testing of a Protocol to Determine the Aerobic Degradation Potential of Hazardous Waste Constituents in Soil. 1990
Evaluation of restorative maintenance on 1977 light-duty vehicles in Denver, Colorado / 1977
Exhaust emissions from twenty light duty diesel trucks / 1980
Feasibility of using chemical liners for landfilling electroplating sludges / 1984
Final report on development of test for determining an aerobic biodegradation potential 1981
Final report on development of test for determining an aerobic biodegradation potential / 1981
Final sampling report for the study of personal CO exposure / 1984
Geology and mineral resources of Noble County, Oklahoma 1979
Guide to designing a community water conservation program 1981
Guidelines for collecting and processing samples of stream bed sediment for analysis of trace elements and organic contaminants for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1994
Hepatocarcinogenicity of Benzo(a)Pyrene to Rainbow Trout By Dietary Exposure and Intraperitoneal Injection. 1985
Histological Progression of Hepatic Neoplasia in Rainbow Trout ('Salmo gairdneri'). 1984
Indigenous views of land and the environment 1993
Integration of Insect-Resistant Genetically Modified Crops within IPM Programs [electronic resource] / 2008
International environmental law 2004
Landfilling of Sludges Containing Metal Hydroxides. 1982
Manual of European environmental law 1997
Molecular Analysis of Mutations Induced at the 'hisD3052' Allele of Salmonella by Single Chemicals and Complex Mixtures. 1994
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