Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Carlson AND T AND R)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Acid Volatile Sulfide Predicts the Acute Toxicity of Cadmium and Nickel in Sediments. 1991
An automated monitoring system for fish physiology and toxicology / 1989
Analysis of invalid emission testing in the California Smog Check program / 1994
Analysis of power-split HEV control strategies using data from several vehicles / 2007
Analysis of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of remote sensing devices / 1994
Analysis of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of remote sensing devices / 1994
Analytical support for emission factors development and air quality assessment / 1988
Analytical support for emission factors development and air quality assessment : impacts of a loaded pass/fail or preconditioning mode on I/M failure rates / 1988
Animal Waste Effects Upon Crop Production, Soil and Runoff Waters. 1981
Aquatic animal respiration and cough response applied to innovative environmental biomonitoring a bibliography. [electronic resource] : 2000
ASA S3/SC1.4 TR-2014 Sound Exposure Guidelines for Fishes and Sea Turtles: A Technical Report prepared by ANSI-Accredited Standards Committee S3/SC1 and registered with ANSI [electronic resource] / 2014
Assessment of the Propensity for Covalent Binding of Electrophiles to Biological Substrates. 1990
Bedrock-surface map of central San Francisco Bay, California / 1970
Biodegradation and Photolysis of Pentachlorophenol in Artificial Freshwater Streams. 1983
Cadmium and endrin toxicity to fish in waters containing mineral fibers 1982
Cadmium and endrin toxicity to fish in waters containing mineral fibers / 1982
Cadmium Speciation in Aquatic-Life Flow-through Bioassay Diluters. 1987
Characterization of Chromium-Contaminated Soils Using Field-Portable X-ray Fluorescence. 1994
Chemical and biological studies related to the water quality of St. Louis Bay of Lake Superior / 1984
Chemical and biological studies related to the water quality of St. Louis Bay of Lake Superior / 1984
COMMUTER model user manual for analysis of voluntary mobile source emission reduction and commuter choice incentive programs / 2000
COMMUTER Model v2.0 User Manual. 2005
Comparability of In vitro and In vivo Methods for the Determination of Alterations in Drug Metabolism. 1987
Comparison of In vitro and In vivo Methods for Evaluating Alterations in Hepatic Drug Metabolism Following Mercuric Chloride Administration. 1986
Comparison of In vitro Methods and the In vivo Metabolism of Lindane for Assessing the Effects of Repeated Administration of Ethanol on Hepatic Drug Metabolism. 1985
Comparison of In vivo and In vitro Methods for Assessing Effects of Allyl Alcohol on the Liver. 1985
Comparison of In vivo and In vitro Methods for Assessing the Effects of Bromobenzene on the Hepatic-Metabolizing Enzyme System. 1987
Comparison of In vivo and In vitro Methods for Assessing the Effects of Carbon Tetrachloride on the Hepatic Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme System. 1988
Comparison of In vivo and In vitro Methods for Assessing the Effects of Phenobarbital on the Hepatic Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme System. 1985
Comparison of In vivo and In vitro Methods for Assessing the Effects of Repeated Dosing with Carbon Tetrachloride on the Hepatic Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme System (Journal Version). 1988
Derivation of site-specific water quality criteria for cadmium and the St. Louis River Basin, Duluth, Minnesota 1984
Derivation of site-specific water quality criteria for cadmium and the St. Louis River Basin, Duluth, Minnesota / 1984
Derivation of Site-Specific Water Quality Criteria for Cadmium and the St. Louis River Basin, Duluth, Minnesota. 1984
Development and Validation of Site-Specific Water Quality Criteria for Copper. 1986
Development of a Proposed Procedure for Determining the Equivalency of Alternative Inspection and Maintenance Programs. 1997
Development of an improved computer simulation of vehicle emissions during cold start and warm-up operation / 1991
Driving cycle development software user's guide / 1993
Effect of automotive parts on vehicle and engine emissions, phase I : original equipment / 1976
Effect of automotive parts on vehicle and engine emissions, phase II : after-market parts / 1977
Effect of Long-term Reduction and Diel Fluctuations in Dissolved Oxygen on Spawning of Black Crappie, 'Pomoxis nigromaculatus'. 1978
Effect of preconditioning on in-use vehicle testing and failure analysis of evaporative emission control systems / 1977
Effect of waste discharges into a silt-laden estuary: a case study of Cook Inlet, Alaska 1972
Effects of Aroclor (Trade Name) 1248 and 1260 on the Fathead Minnow ('Pimephales promelas'). 1978
Effects of Lowered Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on the Toxicity of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene to Fathead Minnows. 1987
Effects of Pollution on Freshwater Fish. 1980
Effects of Pollution on Freshwater Fish. 1979
Effects of Pollution on Freshwater Fish. 1978
Evaluation of loaded mode I/M testing at service stations 1988
Evaluation of Pest Management Programs for Cotton, Peanuts and Tobacco in the United States. 1975
Evaluation of site-specific criteria for copper and zinc : an integration of metal addition toxicity, effluent and receiving water toxicity, and ecological survey data / 1986
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