Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Effects of ozone depletion on aquatic ecosystems
Author Hader, Donat-Peter.
Publisher Academic Press ;
Year Published 1997
OCLC Number 36059982
ISBN 1570594270 (alk. paper) 0123129451 (alk. paper)
Subjects Ozone layer--Environmental aspects ; Ultraviolet radiation--Environmental aspects ; Ozone layer depletion ; Aquatic ecology
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKCM  QH545.O94H33 1997 CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL 09/24/1999
Collation 275 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Stratospheric ozone depletion and increase in ultraviolet radiation / Donat-P. Hader -- Making links: from causes to effects to action / Canice Nolan -- Consequences of the effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems / Donat-P. Hader and Robert C. Worrest -- Instrumentation and methodology for ultraviolet radiation measurements in aquatic environments / John H. Morrow and Charles R. Booth -- Penetration of solar UV and PAR into different waters of the Baltic Sea and remote sensing of phytoplankton / Helmut Piazena and Donat-P. Hader -- Biological weighting functions for describing the effects of ultraviolet radiation on aquatic systems / John C. Cullen and Patrick J. Neale -- Biological UV dosimetry / Gerda Horneck -- Role of ultraviolet radiation on bacterioplankton activity / Gerhard J. Herndl -- Optical properties and phytoplankton composition in a freshwater ecosystem (Main-Donau-Canal) / Maria A. Hader and Donat-P. Hader -- The effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on amphibians in natural ecosystems / Andrew R. Blaustein and Joseph M. Kiesecker -- Impacts of UV-B irradiation on rice-field cyanobacteria / Rajeshwar P. Sinha and Donat-P. Hader -- Studies of effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic model ecosystems / Sten-Ake Wangberg and Johanne-Sophie Selmer -- Solar UV effects on benthic marine algal assemblages- three case studies / Regas Santas -- Effects of UV-B on ciliates / Roberto Marangoni, Beatrice Martini and Giuliano Colombetti -- Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the pelagic Antarctic ecosystem / Maria Vernet and Raymond C. Smith.