Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Pesticide regulation and the Endangered Species Act /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Racke, Kenneth D.,
Publisher American Chemical Society,
Year Published 2012
OCLC Number 816499048
ISBN 9780841227033; 0841227039; 9780841227040; 0841227047
Subjects Pesticides--Law and legislation--United States ; Umweltpolitik ; Pestizid ; Artenschutz ; Bedrohte Tiere ; Bedrohte Pflanzen ; Recht ; USA
Additional Subjects United States--Endangered Species Act of 1973 ; United States--Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESBM  KF3959.P467 2012 CPHEA/PESD Library/Corvallis,OR 09/06/2022
Collation xiv, 387 pages : illustrations (some color) ; maps (some color) ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Pesticide regulation and endangered species : moving from stalemate to solutions policy and process considerations -- Federal agency perspectives on ESA process, issues and potential improvements -- The Endangered Species Act : interfacing with agricultural and natural ecosystems -- Growers, pesticides and endangered species : outcomes of a stakeholder workshop -- Improving the Endangered Species Act pesticide consultation process -- State pesticide regulatory agency role in effective ESA implementation -- California pesticide use data and endangered species -- Cranberry pest management and karner blue butterfly protection : a Wisconsin case study -- Endangered species assessments conducted under registration review : fomesafen case study -- FIFRA registration review and the Endangered Species Act : clomazone case study -- Use of simple stream modeling methods to assess the potential risks of malathion to salmonids. Use of the joint probability distribution analysis for assessment of the potential risks of dimethoate to aquatic endangered species -- A GIS-based approach to quantifying pesticide use site proximity to salmonid habitat -- Ecological risk assessment for salmon using spatially and temporally explicit exposure modeling : moving forward -- Advancements in Endangered Species Act effects determination for pesticide registration actions -- Data quality, reliability, and relevance standards for ecological risk assessment : recommendations for improvements to pesticide regulation in compliance with the Endangered Species Act -- A causal/risk analysis framework for informing endangered species jeopardy reviews for pesticides -- Demography and modeling to improve pesticide risk assessment of endangered species -- Consideration of nontraditional endpoints in the assessment of ecological risk under the Endangered Species Act -- Utilizing at-risk species data to sustain biodiversity and streamline decision-making -- Using GIS to assess pesticide exposure to threatened and endangered species for ecological risk assessment -- Development of a spatial-temporal co-occurrence index to evaluate relative pesticide risks to threatened and endangered species -- Use of risk-based spray drift buffers for protection of non-target areas -- Recommendations for improvements to pesticide regulation in compliance with the Endangered Species Act.