Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Superfund record of decision : Ott/Story/Cordova Chemical, MI : second remedial action : final.
CORP Author United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response ; Reproduced by National Technical Information Service,
Year Published 1990
Report Number EPA/ROD/R05-90/135
Stock Number PB91-921455
OCLC Number 26208007
Subjects Ott/Story/Cordova Chemical site (Mich) ; Hazardous waste sites--Michigan--Muskegon County
Additional Subjects Hazardous materials ; Pollution control ; Waste disposal ; Sites ; Describing ; Industrial wastes ; Volume ; Contaminants ; Pesticides ; Metals ; Excavation ; National government ; State government ; Cost analysis ; Benzene ; Polychlorinated ethylene ; Toluene ; Xylenes ; Arsenic ; Superfund ; Record of Decision ; Second Remedial Action ; Cleanup ; Volatile organic compounds ; Dalton Township(Michigan) ; Muskegon County(Michigan)
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA ROD-R05-90-135 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
NTIS  PB91-921455 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 94 p.
The Ott/Story/Cordova Chemical site is a former specialty chemical manufacturing facility in Dalton Township, Muskegon County, Michigan. Chemical products manufactured onsite included intermediate items used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, agricultural chemicals, diisocyanates, and herbicides. In 1977, the State negotiated with a new site owner to remove several thousand drums, thousands of cubic yards of lagoon sludges, and to destroy or to neutralize phosgene gas left onsite. In 1982, an alternate water supply was undertaken and financed in part by the State and a former owner. The ROD addresses aquifer restoration. The primary contaminants of concern affecting the ground water are VOCs including benzene, PCE, TCE, toluene, vinyl chloride, and xylenes; other organics including 1,2 dichloroethane and pesticides; and metals including arsenic.
"09/29/90." "PB91-921455." "EPA/ROD/R05-90/135." "Office of Emergency and Remedial Response."