Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Emissions from and within an Allison J-33 combustor : II : the effect of inlet air temperature /
Author Mello, A. M. ; Anderso, R. D. ; Altenkirc, R. A. ; Tuttl, J. H. ;
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Tuttle, James H.
Altenkirch, R. A.
Mellor, A. M.
CORP Author Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Combustion Lab.
Publisher Combustion Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University,
Year Published 1973
Report Number PB-212 844
Stock Number PB-212 844
OCLC Number 60782452
Subjects Spark ignition engines--Combustion ; Automobiles--Fuel systems ; Fuel economy ; Internal combustion engines, Spark ignition--Combustion
Additional Subjects ( Gas turbine engines ; Exhaust gases) ; ( Air pollution ; Exhaust gases) ; Static tests ; Test facilities ; Turbojet engines ; Design criteria ; Monitors ; Gas detectors ; Carbon monoxide ; Nitrogen oxide(NO) ; Hydrocarbons ; Temperature measurement ; Air flow ; J-33 engines ; Jet engine exhaust
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELCM  TJ778.E45 1973 NVFEL Library/Ann Arbor, MI 05/01/2018 DISPERSAL
ESAD  PB-212 844 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 07/01/2005
NTIS  PB-212 844 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation x, 111 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
A gas turbine combustion facility was designed and constructed. After a review and description of the combustion facility, results are presented which include gas temperature, carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide concentration profiles as a function of axial and radial position inside an Allison J-33 combustor. In addition some combustor exit plane measurements are reported. Specifically, the isolated effects of combustor pressure, overall equivalence ratio, and air flow rate on CO and NO concentration at various radial positions are investigated. These results are qualitatively explained in terms of basic combustor processes. Unheated combustor inlet air was used for the above studies; a few preliminary experiments using heated air are also described. (Author)
"Environmental Protection Agency Grant No. R-801284." "Report No. PURDU-CL-73-01." "January 1973." Includes bibliographical references (page 110).