Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Episodic Response Project Research Plan.
Author Thornton, K. ; Baker, J. P. ; Marmorek, D. ; Bernard, D. ; Eshleman, K. N. ;
CORP Author FTN Associates, Little Rock, AR. ;Kilkelly Environmental Associates, Inc., Raleigh, NC. ;Environmental and Social Systems Analysts Ltd., Vancouver (British Columbia). ;Northrop Services, Inc., Corvallis, OR.;Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR.
Publisher Feb 88
Year Published 1988
Report Number EPA-68-03-3439; EPA/600/3-88/059;
Stock Number PB89-138861
Additional Subjects Acid rain ; Air pollution ; Fishes ; Surface waters ; Water pollution ; Lakes ; Streams ; Acidification ; Aquatic animals ; Episodic Response Project ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; Air-water interactions
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB89-138861 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 255p
In some geographic locations, acidic deposition is known to be affecting surface water chemistry on both long-term and short-term time scales. Considerable research in the past decade has greatly improved our understanding of the biological effects of acidification, particularly the relationship between chronic chemical conditions and biological responses. In comparison, relatively little is known about the role that short-term acidification is having on the composition or functioning of aquatic biological communities. Despite this scientific uncertainty, it is generally presumed that short-term acidification ('episodes') can result in significant adverse effects on aquatic resources of interest, particularly fish communities. Recognizing episodes as a potentially important source of uncertainty in index-based estimates of acidic deposition effects on populations of lakes and streams, the EPA has initiated the Episodic Response Project (ERP). From an acidification perspective, the ERP is designed primarily to quantify this component of uncertainty in regional population estimates, and to determine the degree to which acidic episodes adversely affect fish populations.