Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Analysis of Liquid-Waste Injection Wells in Illinois by Mathematical Models.
Author Heidari, Manoutchehr ; Cartwright., Keros ;
CORP Author Illinois Univ., Urbana. Water Resources Center.
Year Published 1974
Report Number WRC-RR-77 ;UILU-WRC-74-0077; DI-14-31-0001-3813; OWRR-A-058-ILL; W74-07604 ; OWRR-A-058-ILL(1)
Stock Number PB-232 004
Additional Subjects Injection wells ; Mass transfer ; Fluid flow ; Equations ; Mathematical models ; Industrial wastes ; Dispersing ; Computer programs ; Groundwater ; Liquid waste disposal ; Finite element analysis ; Chebyshev approximations
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-232 004 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 126p
Results are presented of a preliminary theoretical study of the fate of liquid industrial wastes injected into deep geologic formations. The Jones and Laughlin Corporation well was used as a model and the geology of the area was idealized into a 15-layered homogeneous and anisotropic mathematical model. The finite element method was tested and proved to be an effective mathematical tool in the solution of the equation of flow. The flow and pressure build-up show that the rocks are capable of receiving greater volumes of waste than are now being injected without endangering the integrity of the aquifer or the confining layer. The mass-transport equation for large and complex ground-water reservoir systems was investigated. To overcome difficulties encountered with computer time and memory in the solution of the mass-transport equation for large complex systems, an iterative method is proposed for the solution of the equations, which substantially reduces these difficulties. (Modified author abstract)