Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Algal Nutrient Availability and Limitation in Lake Ontario During IFYGL. Appendices to Part I. Available Phosphorus in Urban Runoff and Lake Ontario Tributary Waters.
Author Cowen, William F. ; Lee., G. Fred ;
CORP Author Texas Univ. at Dallas, Richardson. Center for Environmental Studies. ;Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Lab., Fort Detrick, Md.;Environmental Research Lab.-Duluth, Minn.
Year Published 1976
Report Number EPA-R-800537-02; EPA/600/3-76/094b;
Stock Number PB-265 040
Additional Subjects Algae ; Phosphorus ; Runoff ; Lake Ontario ; Inorganic phosphates ; Precipitation(Meteorology) ; Urban areas ; Particles ; Acidity ; Anion exchanging ; Bioassay ; Concentration(Composition) ; Tables(Data) ; Availability ; Wisconsin ; New York ; International Field Year for the Great Lakes ; Madison(Wisconsin) ; Selenastrum capricornutum ; Bioaccumulation
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-265 040 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 76p
Samples of Madison urban runoff, precipitation from Madison and New York State were analyzed for various forms of phosphorus to estimate the algal-available fraction of each of these P forms. Urban runoff particulate P forms from Madison runoff showed acid extractable inorganic P in the range of 33 to 46% of the particulate P. Ranges for the OH- and for exchange resin extractable inorganic P were 22 to 27 and 13 to 17% of particulate P, respectively. Runoff from urban areas in the Genesee R. basin (N.Y.) showed acid, base, and resin extractable inorganic P in the ranges of 30 to 48, 18 to 30, and 11 to 25% of particulate P, respectively, in general agreement with the Madison samples. Inorganic P extracted from particulate P by resin in long-term aerobic dark incubations was similar to that extracted by the resin in short-term tests, indicating that physical and chemical rather than microbial mineralization processes were probably the key factors regulating the release of inorganic P from the runoff particles to the solution phase.